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2004年4月,净空法师给北京高校学生宣讲《多元文化教育与和平》,赢得青年学子的满堂喝采。不久,凤凰卫视中文台的《世纪大讲堂》先后分两次播放。一位佛学法师缘何热情关注人类教育事业和世界和平大业?人类社会的现状有哪些令法师忧虑的地方?人类又将如何面对和解决?拥有高深学问和出众智慧的法师明白无误地告诉我们:教育事业的发展与国家的文明进步、社会秩序的安定祥和、人民生活品质的不断提高密切相关。只要给少年儿童灌输正确的人生观和价值观,使他们对自己国家的文化产生认同感和自豪感,并教育青年人拓开心量,包容他人,继承和发扬优秀文化,以开放的胸怀对待外来文化,未来就一定充满希望。净空法师颇为动情地告诉本刊记者“:那时国家建立了许多国立中学,收容我们,我逃难到贵州读中学,成了流亡的学生,无家可归,学校就是家。老师照顾我们超过父母,我们对老师有热爱之心,我们的同学真的像兄弟姐妹一样互相照顾,那个感情之深是其他地方看不到的。”本期刊发段宣怀《回忆抗日战争时期的北泉慈幼院》就可起到突出的印证作用,能够加深我们对这一段话的理解。 In April 2004, Headspace Master preached “Multicultural Education and Peace” to Beijing university students and won the full audience of young students. Soon, Phoenix Century Chinese Taiwan’s “Century Auditorium” has played twice. Why a Buddhism madam care enthusiastically about the cause of human education and world peace? What are the current state of human society that make mages worry? How human beings will face and solve? Master with profound knowledge and wisdom to tell us unmistakably: The development of education is closely related to the progress of civilization and progress in the country, the stability and social order, and the continuous improvement of the quality of life of the people. As long as young people are to be given the correct outlook on life and values ​​so that they will have a sense of identity and pride in their own country’s culture and educate young people to expand their hearts and minds, tolerate others and inherit and develop their excellent culture and treat them with an open mind The future will certainly be full of hope. Master maneuver told the correspondent rather emotionally: “At that time, many state high schools were set up in the country to accommodate us. I flew to Guizhou to attend high school, and became an exile student, homeless. The school was home. The teacher took care of us more than Parents, we have a passion for teachers, our classmates really take care of each other like brothers and sisters, the depth of that feeling can not be seen elsewhere. ”This issue paragraph Xuanhuai“ recalls the North Springs Tsz Ching Court during the Anti-Japanese War ”Can play a prominent role in confirming our understanding of this passage.
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