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  July, August and September are the best months for fungus lovers to feast their palate with a plethora of wild Yunnan fungus that only grow at this period of the year. After a year’s waiting, fungus-craving foodies would travel all the way to Yunnan for a short stay, feed themselves everyday with a variety of fresh and tender fungus that they don’t even know the name, until they carry the aura of the mountains and exclaim, this is how “fresh” life looks like.
  Fungus is an essential ingredient in Yunnan cuisine, be it dry fungus, boletus, green fungus, or termite mushroom, fungus is a thing the locals could not “survive without” on the dinner table. For Yunnan natives, eating fungus on rainy days is something they take for granted. Fungus is a gift from the heaven. All summer, fleshy and fresh fungus arrives with rain and thunder. Fungus hunting is also a healthy sport embodying picnic and adventure, and it is cost free and accessible. As the sky clears after a shower, you can go to a slope, and start this gourmet’s game.
  Matsutake is probably the most famous Yunnan fungus thanks to the documentary A Bite of China, but interestingly, chicken fir, alias termite mushroom, is the favorite fungus for locals, although lesser known to the public. “Chicken fir grows in shallow grass in July, initially in the shape of a hat, then a canopy. Under the sun, its shadow looks like chicken feathers, getting the “chicken” in its name. And because it grows out of soil, it is named after fir.” The white textured fungus is fleshy, tender, fresh, and crunchy. It is also quite expensive, with freshly picked ones selling at more than 800 yuan a kilo.
  Yunnan produces the biggest variety and largest quantity of edible wild fungus in the world. It boasts of 978 varieties of wild fungus, representing 45% of the 2,166 identified wild fungus worldwide, and 91% that of China. 92.8% of the 500,000 tons annual product of edible fungus in Yunnan is wild fungus. More nutritious and fresher than other wild food materials, wild fungus has become a sought-after delicacy for more and more foodies. Most of the wild fungus in Yunnan is now air transported to other parts of the country and other countries to be served as upscale dishes in restaurants.   菌香包烧花米饭 Fungus steamed colored rice
  五色花米饭是布依人的特产,不但色彩鲜艳美丽,吸收了新鲜的野生菌的香气更显浓郁。Five-colored rice is a specialty of the Buyi nationality. Steamed with fresh fungus, the rice is colorful and enticingly fragrant.
  Deep fried catathelasma with vegetable stem
  老人头菌因体短胖肥硕,菌盖厚实、菌满如老寿星的光头而得名,扎实的口感久炒依然不干不涩。The variety of catathelasma in this dish is called “old man’s head” in Chinese because with a stout and fat body and a thick cap, it looks like the bald head of the legendary God of Longevity.
  A fresh encounter with fungus
  As a gourmet, wild fungus is no doubt the favorite food material for Shine. Each year, he would join several other food critics to hunt and taste fungus in Yunnan. Nothing could compare to the joy of hunting for your favorite food material in Nature, with a basket in your arms. It is true that Yunnan is abundant with wild fungus, but if you don’t know the tricks or have the help of a local guide, it would be nearly impossible for you to run into any fungus.
  Locals make a point to eat fungus that is wild, and freshly picked. After arriving at Lijiang, Shine and her travel companions took a nearly 4-hour drive to get to their destination - a Pumi family at Luogujing clan, Desheng Village, Tongdian Township, Lanping County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. Led by a guide, they clambered over 2 hours on the 2,800 meter high plateau, only to found a meager amount of fungus. No wonder, they signed with exhaustion, wild fungus is sold at sky high prices.
  They choose it here because it is one of the areas that produce matsutake. Every July, you could literally smell the charming fragrance of mature fungus in the mountain ranges. The higher up the mountain, the more matsutake you would find along the trails. However, locals don’t eat matsutake much before the strong demand from Japan drove up its price, but prefer chicken fir and other fungus.   As the passion for matsutake spread from Japan to China, matsutake is now as pricy as gold. The Japanese serve matsutake in sashimi or grill, but Yunnanese favor charcoal grilled matsutake, preferably with pinewood, on mild flame, and served with sea salt. Accompanied with the smell of pine and the flavor of minerals seeped into the fungus, you could feel, at the time of tasting, like being surrounded by the primitive forest.
  According to the guide, fungus picking requires the right people at the right time at the right place. Wild fungus has a symbiosis relationship with the plantation over 1,000 meters above sea level. The spore of matsutake, for example, would form a symbiosis relationship with the tree roots, developing a mushroom shaped fungus root, called fungus shiro, which provides the best condition for fungus growth. Quite like human, matsutake only reveal itself to familiar acquaintances. Matsutake grows either independently or in clusters, and could be found everywhere. If you are not familiar of its growing environment, you might incidentally destroy young fungus. The locals are therefore very careful in picking fungus. They would gently remove the leaves before picking in order to protect the shiro, in the hope that they could find new fungus around in the coming year.
  Fungus is fragile, rare, and hard to be found, but that might just be one of the reasons that make it delicious.
  这些年来,李刚为了能够给食客带来丰富的菌子食材,已经记不清楚走过多少个云南村庄,翻过多少座云南的山脉。除了大家普遍认识的野生菌羊肚菌、松茸、松露外,他更喜欢那种云南非主流的菌子,例如,去年10月份他走了趟版纳,突然发现当地盛产一种红菌,个头很大,鲜红,汤也是鲜红,叫做大红菌。另外,在大理有一座海拔2000米的鸡足山,当地出一种非常稀缺、昂贵的冷菌,据说是方丈招待侠客的一道菜。时机合适时,他便会把这种非主流的菌子引进到“一坐一忘”与有缘分的食客分享。   Unconventional Way of Eating Yunnan Wild Fungus
  Because of his love of Yunnan, Li Gang created In & Out. Yunnan is not his home town, but a place he would miss often. 20 years ago, infatuated with traditional Chinese culture and the mysterious ethnic minorities, Li Gang came to Yunnan to find inspirations for his painting. It was love at first sight. During this trip, he fell in love with the mountains, waters, ethnic minority cultures, and the wide variety of food in Yunnan.
  Speak of local specialty, fungus would surely come to mind, said Li Gang. In the eyes of locals, mushroom is not the same as their fungus. Mushroom can grow or be cultivated anywhere, but fungus could only be found in Yunnan. The word fungus is synonymous with wild and unique, as it is often found buried under pine leaves in red soil forests, nutritious but detached from the world.
  His first taste of wild fungus was in Gongshan County of Nu Jiang Prefecture where he tasted truffle, another world famous fungus. Known as the diamond of food materials, truffle is however not getting its deserved treatment in Yunnan, where it is called “lump fungus” or “pig twiddled fungus”, because in the early days, only pigs in heat would eat the commonly fungus.
  Today, the locals have learnt of its value, but haven’t developed any new way of cooking. The most common way of making truffle is to cook chicken soup. According to Li Gang, “Free range chicken is a good match for truffle. But due to the difference of growing conditions, domestic truffle is not as fragrant as European truffle. But if we count in its nutrient elements, it is still a delicious food. In addition, the Europeans would never expect to see truffle cooked in such generous quantity like it is in Yunnan.”
  But Li Gang’s favorite is a mini-fungus called milky juice fungus. The tiny, light brown fungus has a unique character. Cut its cap open with finger nail, and a milky juice would ooze out. But you do not need to be picky when selecting the fungus. Cut or not, the fungus is equally tasty. Shredded and deep fried with chili and leek, it goes perfectly with steamed rice. Used as an ingredient, it will give a milky color to the dishes.
  To purchase fresh fungus for the restaurant, Li Gang is a frequent guest to the local food market. “The first time I saw the green fungus, I was really startled, for a time I thought it must be poisonous, with that light green color. If not reassured by the locals that it is edible, I would definitely not buy it.” What is more amazing is that when deep fried with scallion and garlic, the green color would fade away, and it would look and taste like normal mushroom. It is also very delicious when cooked with Yunnan wrinkled chili, the juice of which could help you eat at least two bowls of rice.   Over the years, Li Gang has presented a wide variety of fungus in his restaurant that is collected from countless Yunnan villages over countless mountain ranges. But apart from the well-known fungus such as yellow fungus, matsutake, and truffle, he is more into non-mainstream fungus. This October, for example, he discovered a red fungus in Xishuangbannan, a fungus that makes red soup, called big red fungus. And in the 2,000 meter Chicken Food Mountain in Dali, he run into a very rare and precious Cold Fungus, which is said to be a dish the Buddhist abbots used to serve to chivalrous swordsman. He told U-Jet that when time is ripe, he would serve this non-conventional fungus in In & Out.
  云南人热衷于吃野生菌,在享受味蕾的快意之外,可能也是一种对故乡土地的热爱。“我们云南人每年都要好好吃上一顿野生菌,不然会觉得这一年就白生活了!“ 和雪环边做菜,边说道。 对于和雪环来说,吃野生菌,是家常便饭;做菌类菜品,更是最拿手的事情。小时候,他经常会吃到各种野生菌。家常做菌的方法很简单,刀工不用太精细,不放过多的作料,保持食物原有的味道的同时,还能够吃出大自然的味道。如今在餐厅掌勺,除了会保持食物天然且原汁原味的味道以外,也会讲究刀工和摆盘的精美。
  Fungus Cuisine Outside Yunnan
  Yunnan people love wild fungus, not only for palate enjoyment, but also out of love of their motherland. “We will eat a decent wild fungus banquet every year, otherwise we will consider the year wasted.” He Xuehuan said while cooking. To him, eating wild fungus is norm; making fungus cuisine is a thing he is best at. As a kid, he had tasted a lot of wild fungus. The homely way of fungus cooking is simple and requires neither refined cutting techinique nor too much ingredient, but it could keep the original flavor of the food. Now as a chef, he will not only need to preserve the authentic flavor of food materials, but will also present the dishes in an exquisite way.
  The “fungus season” is the best and busiest time for He Xuehuan. “Fungus in this season is fleshy, tender, and crunchy. It could make a dish by itself, or be matched with vegetables, fish, meat, and all kinds of wild or sea food. Whether fried, deep fried, cured, mixed, braised, grilled, stewed, steamed, or made into soup, it is always that fresh. Beijing gourmets love chicken fir fungus, matsutake, and chicken oil fungus. Popular dishes include grilled matsutake, which is wrapped in tin foil to preserve its innate flavor, and deep fried wild fungus with peach kernel, which is made of fresh chicken oil fungus, green and red chili, and a light touch of starch, to create a golden color and smooth texture.
  As a Yunnan native, He Xuehuan is also knowledgeable about the nutrient elements of wild fungus. Normally the public only care about the flavor of wild fungus, he said, but in fact, Yunnan wild fungus is also rich in nutritious elements that are good for health and skin. For example, boletus could expel cold, mitigate fever, and improve blood circulation; chicken fir fungus could enhance immunity, help blood generation, moisturize your body, and improve stomach and spleen wellness; dry fungus is rich in amino acid and protein; green fungus is good for eye sight and body temperature—all these functions would not disappear even if they are transported elsewhere. He is pleased to see that with today’s developed transportation means, it is getting easier for foodies to taste wild fungus outside of Yunnan.
旺盛的、不枯竭的创作灵感,使王潮歌成为评论家笔下的“最具创新精神的导演”。作为一位女性导演,她用天赋和努力为自己撑起了一片天地。  Known for her inexhaustible inspirations,female director Wang Chaoge has established herself as the “Most Innovative Director” among f
中国航空报社与Oppland媒体联合主办,  美国直升机学会、中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会、中国直升机产业发展协会以及通航博览  共同支持的中国民用直升机发展论坛6月25日在京召开,通航概念再次受到关注。  在首届中国民用直升机发展论坛上,300余名来自政府相关机关的专家领导、直升机制造商、警务机关、搜索救援组织、海油业务服务商、融资供应商与主要直升机行业解决方案提供商,就中国民用直升机市场政策和
小时候第一次看到天上的飞机,吴昊就驻足不前直到看不见为止。从那个时候起,一粒希望长大后能开着飞机在天空中飞翔的种子就深埋在他的心底。如今,儿时的梦想照进了现实,除了自己飞翔,他还在帮助更多的人一起飞翔。  经历改变命运  吴昊8岁时就随父母移民澳大利亚,上世纪80年代的澳大利亚和现在完全不同,那时候当地的中国人非常少。从上小学开始,他就生活在完全西化的环境里,周围的朋友、同学多数是欧洲裔和澳洲原住
中国民用直升机未来10年、20年的发展将会是怎样的?  美国直升机学会、中国航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会、中国直升机产业发展协会等机构的专家  在2014年中国民用直升机发展论坛上对此问题进行了深入地探讨。  在首届中国民用直升机发展论坛上,300余名来自政府相关机关的专家领导、直升机制造商、警务机关、搜索救援组织、海油业务服务商、融资供应商与主要直升机行业解决方案提供商,就中国民用直升机市场政策和法
宋洋,这个拿着笔和纸“飞翔”在世界天空的“坏”男孩,如今已经成功地实现并超越了他的野心。他不仅是画家还是动漫艺术家、雕塑家、设计师、音乐人、作家、企业家、时尚引领者……凭借勤奋和努力,宋洋在艺术和创意的世界,实现了多种可能性人生。  本期,宋洋为《私人飞机》创作的封面作品——《Badgirl之飞翔的感知》是他经典画作形象的延续。这幅画或许是他内心不断牵挂的某个遗存,多年前他在法国一次个展时一面与艺
今年9月,一年一度的“私人飞机名车榜”即将“开炉”。作为《私人飞机》杂志的读者,他们是私人飞机机主,他们是飞行玩家,他们是公务机出行的常客,他们是最懂得享受生活的一群人。这样的圈层,他们青睐的座驾、购车的倾向、选车的标准又是怎样的?究竟是速度,还是环保、新潮、轻盈、荣尊……总之,他们的爱车不经意间都会透露出车主的审美情趣和生活方式。  下面,我们就请3位飞行生活享受者,来讲述他们眼中的车与品位。 
拥有珍贵的红色定制施坦威钢琴,红酒、雪茄也挑最有品质的品牌,玩马球、开飞机、炫漂移,奔五的王兆春仍然热衷时尚、引领潮流,这不,他又预订了两辆如今蹿红的特斯拉,电桩早已安装完毕,只待爱车归巢。  有人说特斯拉让社会顶层的富人们对电动汽车有了购买的欲望,它与之前新能源汽车的推广方式相比,它走了一条完全不同的路。它将产品定位于超级跑车和豪华车,并将其包装为跨界时尚奢侈品。其瞄准最愿意尝试新鲜事物的人群—
为了自己的艺术生活理想,完美主义者金锡顺从不曾停歇。都说烦恼随执着而生,但相比于她从坚守文化中得到的快乐,不值一提。  超脱利益的人文立场  在很多时候,金锡顺都处于理性的状态,但不可否认,她有时也会冲动。她会在理性思考的基础上做出超出人们预期的决定。“诚品建筑”是金锡顺做的第一个房地产项目,当时正值行业的黄金期,几乎所有的开发商满脑子想的都是如何能缩短项目的开发周期,让资金周转加速。而她却带着浓
睿智儒雅但含蓄内敛,行事低调但内在光华。来到他家,看到他本人,才发现宋军与他的爱车匹配度极高。作为辉腾3.0L全球首位车主,宋军深谙传统文化底蕴,家中古籍善本环绕,佛香袅袅,在他看来,古籍代表着我们民族的文化传承,也是我们祖先世世代代累积的精神财富。这就不难理解他为何青睐辉腾,这款代表了大众造车技艺最高水平,传承德国累斯顿800年手工传统的汽车。  “这款车非常符合我的价值观。它并不是那种一看就很
“2014年,全球共有1645位富豪净资产超过10亿美元,中国富豪的数量位居世界第二。中国新财富人群的生活方式正在发生改变,通用航空产业在中国进入方兴未艾、蓬勃发展的新阶段,正逐渐成为公务、通勤航空市场的主战场之一。  汉华航空、国都航空与耀莱航空的合并重组,无疑将会是中国公务航空领域在这一年最值得让人铭记的大事之一。这不仅仅意味着揭开了三家航空公司发展历史上崭新的一页,更意味着合作方对中国未来通