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利用早熟组和晚熟组各8个水稻品种采用随机区组设计连续进行两年田间试验,分析生育期与稻曲病严重度的关系,同时采用晚熟组5个品种分析田间厚垣孢子数量、播期与稻曲病发生严重度的关系。结果表明,水稻生育期、田间菌量与稻曲病田间发生的严重度呈显著正相关。早熟组各水稻品种的发病率均显著低于晚熟组各水稻品种,2005年晚熟组和早熟组品种的病穴率、病穗率和病粒率分别为76.3%、26.6%、4.6%和5.4%、0.8%、0.02%,2006年分别为75.7%、29.8%、4.7%和16.8%、3.3%、0.08%。此外,在上一年田间遗落菌量多的田块中各水稻品种稻曲病的发生程度显著高于菌量小的田块。晚熟组水稻品种的发病严重度与播种期无明显的相关性。据此认为,以种植晚熟水稻品种为主的北方稻区,种植早熟品种或进行轮作是防治该病的有效方法。 Eight early-maturing and late-maturing groups of 8 rice cultivars were used to carry out continuous field trials for two years in a randomized block design to analyze the relationship between the growth stages and the severity of rice false smut. Five late-ripening groups were used to analyze the number of chlamydospores in the field, The relationship between the incidence of false smut and the severity of the relationship. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the amount of field bacteria and the severity of rice smut in the field during rice growth. The morbidity rate of all the rice varieties in early maturing group was significantly lower than that in late maturing group. The rates of disease points, disease ear and disease were 76.3%, 26.6%, 4.6% and 5.4% respectively in late maturing and early maturing varieties in 2005 %, 0.8% and 0.2% respectively. In 2006, they were 75.7%, 29.8%, 4.7% and 16.8%, 3.3% and 0.08% respectively. In addition, the amount of false smut of rice varieties was significantly higher in the plots with more residual bacteria in the field in the previous year than those with small amount of bacteria. There was no significant correlation between the severity of disease and late sowing date in late-ripening rice varieties. Therefore, it is considered that cultivation of early maturing varieties or rotation in the northern rice growing areas with late-maturing rice varieties is an effective way to control the disease.
对小儿重症肺炎并发中毒性肠麻痹的治疗,以往主要采取对症处理和支持疗法。我院1993年9月~1995年12月采用酚妥拉明联合硫酸镁,取得了满意疗效。现报告如下。 Severe pneumon
楼下,又听见几乎是声嘶力竭的大喊声,“上面怎么了?桌上没有吗?你是怎么搞的你……”声音从窗口直接清晰地进入我的耳膜,很刺耳。  这似乎已成为一种常态了。还在房子装修时,一次我从外面进来,还没到底楼门洞口,就听到了一阵哭声、叫骂声。哭,是孩子的哭声;叫骂,是女人的叫骂声。  女人在骂,滚!滚!你给我滚得远远的!随着骂声的,是个小女孩的嚎啕大哭。  我走近门洞,看到有个书包扔在门洞口。各种文具,书本散
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