
来源 :农业工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lunxyxd
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岳阳是全国重要的商品粮、棉、渔生产基地之一。本文在对全市所辖13个县区、场历年来农业机械化发展现状的调查研究基础上,提出了到2000年该区农业机械化发展战略。其战略目标是把生物技术和工程措施结合起来。人畜机并用,机械化半机械化并举,充分挖潜,不断提高效益,着眼增产增收,有选择地发展以农田作业为主体,加工、运输为两翼,防洪抗灾为前锋,具有湖区特色的农机化。具体指标是总产值过60850万元,年均递增6.42%;总动力达200×10~4kW,年均递增3.55%,油电比达1:0.9;机具比达1:4;综合机械化程度达到60%左右,农机人均纯收入达1500元/人。战略重点在地区上,是粮食集 Yueyang is one of the important commodity grain, cotton and fishery production bases nationwide. Based on the investigation and study of the present situation of agricultural mechanization in 13 counties under the jurisdiction of the whole city, this paper puts forward the development strategy of agricultural mechanization in this area by 2000. Its strategic goal is to combine biotechnology and engineering measures. With the combination of human and livestock machines, mechanization and semi-mechanization simultaneously, fully tapping the potential and continuously improving efficiency, focusing on increasing production and income, selective development of farmland operations as the main body, processing and transport as two wings, flood control and disaster relief as a pioneer, with the characteristics of the lake mechanization. The specific index is the total output value of 608.5 million yuan, an average annual increase of 6.42%; total power of 200 × 10 ~ 4kW, an average annual increase of 3.55%, oil and electricity ratio of 1: 0.9; machine ratio up to 1; 4 comprehensive mechanization reached 60% or so, average net income of farmers reached 1,500 yuan / person. The strategic focus is on the region, is the food set
根据对旱地型拖拉机和水田机耕船的研究分析,拖拉机和机耕船有很多共同的地方,但也有区别。1985年机械部农机局下达了“11千瓦多用机耕船的研制”任务,经过 According to r
本实用新型涉及一种背负式手动喷雾器,现有的背负式手喷雾器存在着药液易随活塞杆带出来,并侵害药农用户肉体之 The utility model relates to a knapsack sprayer. The ex
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在前不久的珠海航展上,我国第四代战机“鹘鹰”高调亮相,这款被外界普遍称为“歼一3 1”的战机一亮相便吸引了国内外人士的广泛关注。“鹘鹰”战机是中国航空工业集团公司沈