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1980年Knight和Griffen提出的双吻合器吻合技术是先将直肠断端关闭,再用吻合器从肛门伸入与近端肠袢行端端吻合。这一方法解决了以往单用EEA吻合器时直肠残端荷包缝合以及由于结、直肠两断端口径不一致而导致的吻合困难,但在理论上这两条吻合线交叉处存在着漏发生的可能,动物实验表明:使用双吻合器吻合技术其交叉处吻合口漏很少发生。作者报告了1983~1988年经组织学检查证实的直肠腺癌55例(Duke’s A:B:C级分别为11:24:20),平均年龄69岁,均采用双吻合器吻合法行选择性切除术,93%的手术由一名有经验的医师承担或协助完成。术前常规肠道准备并预防性抗菌素应用。手术方法:肠管游离后用角型肠钳夹住距肿瘤远端2~3cm处 In 1980, the double stapler anastomosis technique proposed by Knight and Griffen was to close the ends of the rectum first, and then use an anastomosis device to extend from the anus into the anastomosis of the proximal intestinal fistula. This method solves the difficulty of anastomosis caused by the inconsistent caliber of the rectum stump in the past when using the EEA stapler alone and due to the inconsistent port diameter between the two ends of the rectum and the rectum. However, in theory, there is a possibility of leakage occurring at the intersection of these two lines. Animal experiments show that the use of double stapler anastomosis technology rarely causes anastomotic leakage at the intersection. The authors reported 55 cases of rectal adenocarcinoma confirmed by histological examination from 1983 to 1988 (Duke’s A:B: C: 11:24:20, respectively), with an average age of 69 years. All patients were treated with double stapler anastomosis. For resection, 93% of the surgery was undertaken or assisted by an experienced physician. Preoperative routine bowel preparation and prophylactic antibiotic application. Surgical method: After the intestine is freed, it is clamped from the distal end of the tumor by 2 to 3cm
原发性肝脏恶性淋巴瘤十分罕见.现将作者收治的一例报告如下: 患者:男性,25岁。因纳差、乏力2月余右上腹进行性腹痛半月余,CT提示肝右后叶占位性病变。于1988年12月13日入院
患者男性,64岁。因上腹隐痛4个月,发现包块1个月入院。体检:Bp17/11 kPa,上腹偏左饱满,触及境界不清的包块,质中硬,活动差,轻压痛。B超示:左上腹膜后肿瘤,不排除胰体尾肿瘤
<正> 欧尼斯特·海明威既是长篇小说家,也是短篇名家。他以短篇小说为起点,摸索创造出具有海明威特色的写作风格。他从中学就开始先后在《写作园地》上发表了《曼尼陀的判断