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在本世纪,随着科学技术的飞速发展。人才成为最宝贵的资源。国际竞争说到底就是人才的竞争。我国的人才市场发育滞后,人才资源的开发缺少总体规划;低层次人才过剩,高层次人才不足,新兴专业人才严重缺乏;人才自由流动、公平竞争的环境尚未形成。 要尽快改变这种局面,努力造就一支结构合理、德才兼备的高素质人才队伍。首先,要制定人才资源开发战略。要立足国情,制定规划,以人才结构调整为主线, In this century, with the rapid development of science and technology. Talent becomes the most valuable resource. Ultimately international competition is talent competition. The development of human resources in our country lags behind and the development of human resources lacks overall planning. The low-level talent surplus, high-level talent shortage and the shortage of emerging professionals are serious problems. The environment for free flow of talents and fair competition has not yet taken shape. We should change this situation as soon as possible and strive to create a contingent of highly qualified personnel with reasonable structure and full of moral integrity. First of all, to develop human resources development strategy. We must base ourselves on national conditions, formulate plans, adjust the structure of personnel as the main line,
我是一个文文静静的女孩儿,我最爱看的电视节目是“我爱画画”,我最爱看的书是《儿童简笔人物画》。由此,你该知道我的理想是什么了吧?没错,我的理想就是当画家。 I am a q
对企业来说,人才的流失比资产的流失更可怕。没有人才,留不住人才的企业必然走向衰亡。 For businesses, the loss of talent is more terrible than the loss of assets. No
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。“围巾”蜥蜴@小龙 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Scarf lizard