
来源 :上海水务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bm_imba
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洞庭湖区洪涝灾害历来十分频繁,建国后虽经大规模的整治,使湖区抗灾能力有所提高,但由于长期以来,泥沙淤积,洪道阻塞,湖面缩小,湖泊调蓄能力衰减,使河、湖水位不断提高,而防洪体系不够完整,堤防单薄,湖区仍未摆脱洪涝灾害的威胁,一旦溃垸,将遭受严重损失,严重地阻碍社会进步和经济发展。因此,从1986年开始至1995年,实施堤防加固工程,在现有堤防基础上,通过加固加高堤防,以提高抗洪标准,保证人民的生命和财产的安全。对于堤防工程实施后,对水文情势有何 The flood disasters in Dongting Lake area have always been very frequent. After the founding of New China, despite large-scale remediation, the resilience of the lake area has been raised. However, due to the siltation, flood blocking, narrowing of the lake surface and declining lake storage capacity, The lake level continues to improve, while the flood control system is not complete enough and the levee is weak. The lake area has not yet got rid of the threat of floods. Once the disaster is embankment, it will suffer serious losses and seriously hinder social progress and economic development. Therefore, from 1986 to 1995, the embankment reinforcement project was implemented. Based on the existing embankments, the embankment was reinforced by reinforcement to raise the flood resistance standard and ensure the safety of people’s lives and property. After the embankment project is implemented, what is the hydrological situation?
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胡不歸乎,胡不歸? 家鄉福建東山邇, 四十年前晚雨急, 败軍過處抓青壮, 登艇悽悽海峡渡, 只因累月經年久, 今日家成欣子長, 一衣带水翼難越, 胡不歸,淚暗垂。久聞海峡藩籬撤,
地区外向旅游正在激增,而亚洲人在他们门口开发着伊甸园。 马来西亚旅行局总经理桌上放着一项建议。西部一家公司建议:修建一座大型的室内体育场,用真正的雪铺成厚厚的波动
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1) For archeologists, Southeast Asia has always been something of a cultural backwater - nothing to compare with Egypt, Greece or the lands once nurtured by th
热情洋溢的 有人说林忆莲 的眼睛藏了几世纪 的哀怨,总是如泣如 诉、如怨如慕。又有人说她是所有现代女星中最具有风情的,“既宜含笑又宜睇”,这位风情万种的女星眼中,最惬意