Comparative Analysis on Pesticide Management System between America and China

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lygcctv
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The production and usage amount of pesticides in US rank the leading position in the world. On the basis of protecting the environment and human health, US government has enacted a series of laws and regulations to normalize and manage the production and use of pesticides so as to ensure the development of modern agriculture. In this paper, US pesticide management system is briefly reviewed and compared with the pesticide management system of China, which may provide good reference for china in establishing its own management system and make steps towards the international standard. The production and usage amount of pesticides in US rank the leading position in the world. On the basis of protecting the environment and human health, US government has enacted a series of laws and regulations to normalize and manage the production and use of pesticides so as to ensure the development of modern agriculture. In this paper, US pesticide management system is briefly reviewed and compared with the pesticide management system of China, which may provide good reference for china in establishing its own management system and make steps towards the international standard.
叶元元和丁卉今年都是8岁。她们不仅住得很近,而且还在同一所学校同一个班里学习。  平时她们俩很要好,但有一天课间时,叶元元被其他同学叫出去玩了,剩下丁卉孤零零一个人,她很生气,放学的时候就对叶元元说:“我再也不和你好了,以后你别来找我!”  叶元元听后很委屈,回家就伤心地哭了。妈妈看见女儿哭,就问元元是怎么回事。元元把事情的经过讲了一遍,妈妈觉得必须要帮女儿处理好这个问题,可自己出面找丁卉或她的家
平时,我们喝完可乐就会把瓶子扔掉。最近,美国3Dsystems与可口可乐公司共同设计出一款名为EkocycleCube的3D打印机。它可以将我们平时喝完的饮料瓶废物利用,放在3D打印机中重新制造成我们想要的东西。  据悉,平均每三个瓶子就可以在该款打印机中被用来打印出一个小型物品,例如手机壳、装饰摆件等。总之,你可以尽情地展开自己的想象,说这款高科技产品抢门口捡矿泉水瓶阿姨的生意一点也不为过。Ko