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《中国人民解放军陆军训练军分区、人武部军事训练与考核大纲》颁行后,贵州省铜仁军分区抢抓机遇,积极应对挑战,以创新意识和负责精神,克服重重困难,努力探索按纲施训的新方法新路子。取得了一些军分区、人武系统信息化建设成果.为训练、管理和部队全面建设提供了切实可行的经验。他们的做法得到了军区的充分肯定。6月1日至4日,军区在贵州铜仁军分区召开了军分区(人武部)按纲施训试点观摩现场会,并取得圆满成功。本刊推出铜仁军分区的经验和做法.希望以此次观摩活动为契机,促进全区按纲施训不断深入发展,为军事斗争准备和“打得赢”奠定坚实的基础。 After the promulgation of the PLA Army Training Forces Division and Military Training and Assessment Outline for People’s Armed Forces, the Tongren Army Division in Guizhou Province seized the opportunity and actively responded to the challenges. With innovative and responsible spirits, New method of training new ways. Some achievements were made in the informatization construction of the military sub-district and the armed forces system, which provided practical experiences in training, management and overall construction of the armed forces. Their approach has been fully affirmed by the military region. From June 1 to June 4, the Military Region held a military sub-region (People’s Armed Police Department) in Tongren Military Region, Guizhou Province to observe the scene of the pilot training program and achieved complete success. This publication introduces the experiences and practices of the Tongren Army Division and hopes to take this opportunity to observe the activities and promote the further development of the entire region in accordance with the guidelines and trainings so as to lay a solid foundation for the preparations for the military struggle and win the fight.
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