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人物新闻摄影必须具有新闻价值、图文并茂和现场真实;主要对象有领导人物、先进人物、反面人物和平凡人物;人物新闻摄影应当掌握的常用技巧是注重人物的表情、注重人物的动作和注重角度的选择。 People’s news photography must have the news value, illustrated pictures and the scene is true; the main objects are leaders, advanced people, negative people and ordinary people; people should take the news photo photography skills are people-oriented expression, pay attention to character movements and angle select.
Hybrid membranes composed of continuous polymer phase and filler phase have been extensivelystudied for energy-efficient gas separation including CO2 capture.
  Biofuel produced form microalgae is considered as one of potential renewable energies.To effectively produce biodiesel,lipids in microalgae are required to
Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a low cost and efficient way to transform solar radiation to electricity.Indium tin oxide (ITO) and fluorine doped tin oxide
There remains little doubt about the impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global warming but fossil energy carriers will continue to play an important role
  Cellulosic biomass is a renewable organic matter with an estimated yield of about 170 billion ton a year.It consists of cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin.B
Alternative electrocatalysts to platinum are highly desirable for widely application of energyconversion/storage devices,such as fuel cells and dye-sensitized s
充电接受能力是阀控式铅酸(valve-regulatedlead-acid,VRLA)蓄电池一项重要性能,充电接受好可保证电池正常使用和延长电池的使用寿命。 影响充电接受能力的因素很多:板栅合金
  Quantum-dot-sensitized solar cell(QDSSC)has been considered as an alternative to new generation photovoltaics,but it still presents very low conversion effi