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一、问题的提出。我省机电排灌站大都分布在珠江三角洲、沿江滨海地区,排涝扬程一般在三米以下,有的地方仅几十公分。在五六十年代建设的泵站,即使是七八十年代初期兴建的泵站,都同样存在着实际扬程低于水泵的最佳性能扬程,使抽水装置长期偏离最优工况运行,泵站效率低,能源消耗大。经实地测试调查,规划设计较好的泵站,其效率不过是35—50%,许多泵站低于20%影响泵站效率 First, the question raised. Electromechanical irrigation and drainage stations in our province are mostly distributed in the Pearl River Delta, along the coastal areas, drainage head generally less than three meters, and in some places only a few dozen centimeters. Pump stations built in the 1950s and 1960s, even those built in the early seventies and eighties, also had the best performance head lift lower than the actual pump head so that the pumping unit deviated from the optimal operating condition for a long time. Pump stations Low efficiency, energy consumption. The field test investigation, planning and design of a good pumping station, the efficiency is but 35-50%, many pumping stations less than 20% affect pumping efficiency
Several new tetrahydroisoquinolinium salts,analogues of atracurium,were designed and synthesized.These compounds were prepared from optically pure tetrahydropa
在今年北美车展上曾展出过的Tarmac Spyder,这次又有了新的改进,将车上的行程电脑更新,换上在拉力赛中常使用的导航电脑,再与GPS系统结合下可以显示赛道的全貌,让车手在比赛
英菲尼迪全球展厅宛如艺术博物馆,却更具亲和力,每一极尽细微之处,由内而外的隽雅气质油然而生。英菲尼迪IREDI标准,重新定义豪华体验。 Infiniti Global Exhibition Galler
5月份3日 据美国能源情报署预测,今年世界石油需求将从1992年的6685万桶/日增加到6766万桶/日,增长量约为80万桶/日,1994年世界石油需求将在1993年的基础上增加150万桶/日,
表2不同抗氧化剂对体外培养损伤1周细胞活性(刺激指数)恢复影响(x±s)组别1周2周3周对照组0.5±1.10.6±1.4* 0.6±1.8*维生素C组0.6±0.9*0.6±1.4* 0.6±1.8*维生素E组0.7
调整产品结构、优化经济增长方式,是实现我国各行业持续发展的关键步骤。对于小型分散、低水平重复、同质化和环境污染严重的我国农药植保行业, Adjusting the product stru
Thermal expansion characteristics of semimetal nylon composites (nylon 1010 incorporated with metal oxides) were analyzed with thermal expansion instrument. The