Motor oil condition evaluation based on on-board diagnostic system

来源 :摩擦(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skywateren
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The condition of the motor oil in civilian cars is difficult to monitor; hence, we propose a method to evaluate the degree of degradation of motor oil using an on-board diagnostic (OBD) system. Three civilian cars and four motor oils (containing mineral oils and synthetic oils) were subjected to five groups of road tests under urban traffic and high-way conditions. The operation information, oil service time, mileage, engine operation time, idle time of the engine, and number of start-ups of the engine were obtained using the proposed OBD system. Physiochemical properties and changes in the components of motor oils during road tests were analyzed in laboratory. The theoretical model of the comprehensive indicators of driving parameters and oil properties were established. The proposed method was successfully applied to different cars, motor oils, and operating conditions in road tests. All the theoretical models had high accuracy and precision. Herein, we provide a method to monitor the oil condition with real-time driving parameters and provide a reference for end users to change their motor oil reasonably.
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我无意中回了一趟老家。  走过崭新、光彩夺目的村大门,再走进那间破旧不堪、满目疮痍的小院,我又看到了那口让我念念不忘、充满着童年回忆的石井。  石井的模样很是朴素,仅用几十块条石围成。井口上有一个大轴,可以用它把水提上来。井里的水喝上一口,清澈又沁凉。水很深,从井口望下去,黑黝黝看不到底,只看见水面铺散着零星的波光,与天空的倒影相映成趣,漂亮得宛如梦境。而那井水,也感觉比世上最璀璨的水晶还要晶莹剔