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目的调查合肥市7~9岁儿童家长对替牙期口腔卫生保健知识了解程度,为合肥市7~9岁儿童的口腔保健工作提供基础资料。方法 2015年5-6月在合肥市范围内依据人口密度选择四个区共计12所小学,等比随机抽取360名7~9岁在校生家长进行口腔保健知识了解程度的问卷调查,调查内容包括了口腔异常行为的认知、口腔卫生保健的教导意识、就医意识等。结果回收有效问卷346份。在口腔异常行为认知方面,只有11.0%家长知道四环素类药物会影响牙齿发育;在口腔卫生保健教导意识方面,96.0%家长虽然懂得教导孩子刷牙但是并不规范也不全面;在就医意识方面,54.6%家长并不能定期带孩子做口腔检查,更有甚者从不做口腔检查。家长的口腔卫生保健知识了解程度及行为态度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论合肥市7~9岁在校生家长对替牙期儿童口腔保健知识基本了解但尚待提高,对于培养儿童自我保健意识方面仍欠缺较多,应促进家长掌握准确规范的儿童口腔护理知识,提高其替牙期儿童口腔卫生护理保健的重视程度并贯彻到生活行为当中。 Objective To investigate the level of knowledge of parents of children aged 7 ~ 9 years old in Hefei during oral hygiene care of dentition, and provide basic information for oral health care in children aged 7 ~ 9 years old in Hefei. Methods A total of 12 primary schools in four districts were selected according to population density from May to June 2015 in Hefei. A questionnaire survey of 360 parents aged 7-9 years with oral health knowledge was randomly selected. The survey included The cognition of abnormal oral behavior, oral health education awareness, medical awareness and so on. RESULTS: 346 valid questionnaires were collected. In oral cognitive abnormalities, only 11.0% of parents know that tetracycline drugs affect the tooth development; 96.0% of parents in the oral health care awareness, though they know how to teach their children to brush their teeth but not norms nor comprehensive; in the sense of medical treatment, 54.6% of parents do not regularly take oral examination with their children, and even worse, they never conduct oral examination. Parents’ understanding of oral hygiene knowledge and behavior attitude difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion The parents of 7 ~ 9-year-old students in Hefei City have a basic understanding of the oral health care knowledge of children during the period of tooth replacement, yet they are still lacking in raising children’s awareness of self-care. Children should be encouraged to master the accurate and standardized child oral care knowledge and improve Its emphasis on oral hygiene care and health care for children during the period and carry out to life behavior.
目的:总结脑卒中偏瘫患者的康复护理体会。方法:选取收治的脑卒中偏瘫患者53例,分为两组。观察组施行综合性的康复护理,对照组施行常规护理,对比两组护理效果。结果:观察组MBI 评分
目的系统评价尼非卡兰用于心房颤动复律的有效性和安全性。方法计算机检索PubMed,The Cochrane Library,Embase,CNKI,CBM,VIP,WanFang Data数据库,检索尼非卡兰用于心房颤动
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