A Farm Approach

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawancha2010
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Once obscure villages on Hainan Island are now blossoming into rural resorts,thanks to innovative planning and the InternetFor years,Jiang Meirong,a housewife in Wentoupo,a hamlet in Dalu,a town in Qionghai,south China’s Hainan Province,lived just off her land.Since the village has neither beaches nor rainforests—the two attractions that make Hainan,also a tropical island,a top tourist destination—it was shunned by tourists.Jiang’s only means of livelihood was to sell the things she grew at the nearby market,which brought her an Once obscure villages on Hainan Island are now blossoming into rural resorts, thanks to innovative planning and the InternetFor years, Jiang Meirong, a housewife in Wentoupo, a hamlet in Dalu, a town in Qionghai, south China’s Hainan Province, just just off her land .Since the village has neither beaches nor rainforests-the two attractions that make Hainan, also a tropical island, a top tourist destination-it was shunned by tourists.Jiang’s only means of livelihood was to sell the things she grew at the nearby market, which brought her an
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