唐河县人民防空办公室 创新思路推动工作发展

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近年来,唐河县人防工作在县委、县政府、人武部的正确领导下,在市人防办的具体指导下,贯彻落实“长期准备、重点建设、平战结合”的方针,立足夯实基础,以宣传载体为依托,从严健全审批制度,切实提升服务质量,全县人防工作取得了显著成绩,先后获得13项市级先进荣誉,被评为市级文明单位,人防工程无论从数量还是面积均呈现快速增长趋势。为了更一步规范人防审批 In recent years, under the correct leadership of the county party committee, county government and the People’s Armed Police Department, under the specific guidance of the Municipal Civil Defense Office, Tanghe County’s civil air defense work has been implemented under the guidance of the “long-term preparation, key construction and combination of peace and war” Based on the carrier of propaganda, from Yan Jianquan examination and approval system, and effectively improve the quality of service, the county civil air defense has made remarkable achievements, has won 13 municipal advanced honors, was named municipal civilized units, civil air defense projects in terms of quantity Or area are showing rapid growth. In order to further standardize civil air defense approval
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