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一九三七年初冬,上海在隆隆炮声中,各剧場紛紛歇业,只有两个新組織的京剧团在“卡尔登”戏院(現在的长江剧場)坚持輪换演出,一个是欧阳予倩老师領导的“中华剧团”,一个是周信芳同志領导的“移風社”。当时我原在“中华剧团”,曾参加了欧阳老亲自編、导的《桃花扇》《漁夫恨》《梁紅玉》等戏的演出,这些戏在内容上都是激发人民抗日意志的。我是唱小生的,因剧团缺人,这些戏里的反面角色如楊文聰、呂子秋、五智却都由我来礖巍U饫嗳宋镉? In the early winter of 1937, in Shanghai, in the rumbling of guns, theaters closed down one after another. Only two newly organized Beijing opera troupes insisted on rotating performances at the “Carden Theater” (now the Changjiang Theater). One was Ouyang Yu Mr. Qian led the “Chinese Theater Company,” and one was the “Wind Office” led by Comrade Zhou Xinfang. At that time, I was originally a “Chinese Theater Company.” I participated in the performances of “Peach Blossom Fan”, “Fisherman Hate” and “Liang Hongyu” directed by Ouyang’s ancestral parents personally. All these contents are to stimulate the will of the people against Japan. I sing niche, because the theater lack of people, the reverse roles in these scenes, such as Yang Wencong, Lu Ziqiu, five wisdom but all come to me by the Wei U Song 镉 嗳 Song cad?
Mineable coal reserves in thick and extra-thick seams account for 44% of the total deposit in China. Fullymechanized top-coal caving technology is a new mining
提起新艳秋,老戏迷都还记得,五十年前,她曾以演程派戏红极一时,唱做俱佳,一度曾同程砚秋打了“对台”! 新艳秋可算程派艺术的第一个传人。但她不是程砚秋的弟子,程砚秋一句
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华东公路网将于1988年第4季度在福建省召开一次“一级公路施工与养护管理经验交流会”。 华北公路网于1988年1季度在天津召开联络员会议,交流科技情报并安排网的具体工作事
河北话剧院青年演出团演出的《兒童团》嘉M藓偷腥瞬返囊桓龀∶?小痕饰牛娃。 Hebei Youth Theater performance of the “Children’s League” Jia Jia M Tou Touyi
本文对Y1—30型多用途养护工程车的性能及结构特点作了简单介绍。 This article gives a brief introduction of the performance and structural characteristics of Y1-30