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此文选自《中共老一代:素描与自传》(原名The Chinese Communists:Sketches and Autobiographies of the Old Guard)一书,1972年由美国格林伍德出版公司出版,作者尼姆·韦尔斯即中国人民的老朋友海伦·福斯特·斯诺(埃德加·斯诺的前妻)。 该书是《红尘》(斯坦福大学出版社1952年版)一书的增订版。该书内容源自作者在1937年春天赴延安采访中共领导人和各界知名人士的原始记录,亦可说是中共人士首次向外界披露的个人自传。该书记录了28位中共历史人物的个人自传和作者本人对他们的素描,内容十分丰富,都是作者通过采访直接得到的第一手材料,有些内容至今仍鲜为人知,具有重要的史料价值;在作者对每个人物的素描部分,既描述了她本人在延安的观感,又向人们澄清了后来传说中的一些似是而非的事件,有助于人们了解真实的历史。该书的写作手法颇具特色,文笔生动传神,文句简洁朴素,给人一种清新、原汁原味的感觉,至今读来仍使人感到有着巨大的现实魄力。该书译成中文后,由本刊首家向社会披露。本刊将其内容分成若干系列有选择地陆续刊登,以飨读者。 This article was selected from the book “The Old Generation of the CCP: Sketch and Autobiography” (formerly known as The Chinese Communists: Sketches and Autobiographies of the Old Guard), published by Greenwood Publishing Company in 1972 by Nym Wells, the Chinese people Old friend Helen Foster Snow (ex-wife of Edgar Snow). The book is an updated edition of Red Pooh (Stanford University Press, 1952 edition). The book comes from the author’s original record in Yan’an in the spring of 1937 to interview the leaders of the Chinese communists and celebrities from all walks of life. It can also be said to be the first autobiographical disclosure made by CCP people to the outside world. The book records the personal autobiography of the 28 historical figures of the CCP and the author’s own sketch of them. The book is rich in content and is the first-hand material directly obtained by the author through interviews. Some of the materials are still little-known and have important historical value In the sketch of each character, the author not only described her own perception of Yan’an, but also clarified some of the later specious events in the legend to help people understand the true history. The writing style of the book is quite distinctive, writing vivid and vivid, simple and elegant sentences, giving a fresh, original feeling, so far read still makes people feel has a tremendous realistic courage. After the book was translated into Chinese, it was first disclosed to the public by the magazine. The magazine will be divided into a series of its contents have been published in succession to readers.
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