Pyritization in the Gaojiashan Biota

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacob888888
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The Late Sinian (Ediacaran) Gaojiashan Biota was a soft-bodied fossil-Lagersttte dominated by sub-stantial pyritized, three-dimensionally preserved tubular and conotubular fossils. Soft-tissue pyritiza-tion is extremely scarce in the fossil records, especially in the Precambrian, therefore it has very im-portant and unique significance for the study of pyritization in the Gaojiashan Biota. Early pyritization played a pivotal role in the fossil preservation and two main factors ensured the successful pyritization of the fossils, namely rapid burial and permineralization. The former was controlled by secular storm deposition, and the latter was achieved by sufficient supply of available iron from sediments. SEM data of Conotubus demonstrate two types of preservation of the tubes (defined as type A and type B, re-spectively). In type A, pyritization took place relatively earlier and completely preserved both tube wall and coelom, but no detailed structure. While in type B, pyritization took place somewhat later and pre-served the integrated tube wall, but partially the coelom. The size frequency distribution of the pyrite framboids suggests that pyritization took place in two different environments with entire different oxygen content. The Late Sinian (Ediacaran) Gaojiashan Biota was a soft-bodied fossil-Lagersttte dominated by sub-stanpy pyritized, three-dimensionally preserved tubular and conotubular fossils. Soft-tissue pyritiza tion is extremely scarce in the fossil records, especially in the Precambrian, therefore it has very im-portant and unique significance for the study of pyritization in the Gaojiashan Biota. Early pyritization played a pivotal role in the fossil preservation and two main factors ensured the successful pyritization of the fossils, in rapid burial and permineralization . The former was controlled by secular storm deposition, and the latter was achieved by sufficient supply of available iron from sediments. SEM data of Conotubus demonstrate two types of preservation of the tubes (defined as type A and type B, re-spectively). In type A, pyritization took place relatively earlier and completely preserved both tube wall and coelom, but no detailed structure. While in type B, pyritization took place somewhat later and pre-served the integrated tube wall, but partially the coelom. The size frequency distribution of the pyrite framboids suggests that pyritization took place in two different environments with entire different oxygen content.
西部矿业股份有限公司是以矿产资源开发为主业的大型企业,于2000年12月28日成立,总部位于青海省西宁市五四大街52号,公司法定代表人毛小兵。2007年7 Western Mining Co., Lt
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目的 探讨新生儿胃破裂的早期诊断和治疗的方法.方法 回顾性分析21例新生儿胃破裂的病例资料.结果 手术前均经X线摄片、腹部超声检查,并做腹腔穿刺明确诊断后行胃破裂修补术.治愈15例,死亡6例,治愈率71%.其中发病后24 h内施行手术治疗14例,治愈12例;超过24 h手术治疗7例,治愈3例,死亡4例.经统计学分析,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 争取早期诊断并在24 h内手术治疗,以