
来源 :山西果树 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsl526
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近年来,据我们在黄河故道苹果产区的一些苹果园抽样调查发现,苹果小叶病发生很普遍,并有不断加重的趋势。大部分苹果园发病株率在20%左右,少数管理粗放的果园发病株率高达80%。该病直接影响叶片的正常生长,使叶面积减小,光合作用降低,造成营养生长不良;从而影响正常结果,使花芽形成置减少,座果率低,果实发育不正常。发病严重的植株完全丧失结果能力,甚 In recent years, according to our sample survey on some apple orchards in the apple producing areas in the old course of the Yellow River, it has been found that the occurrence of apple leaf disease is widespread and has been on the increase. Most of the apple orchard incidence rate of about 20%, a small number of extensive management of orchards in the incidence of up to 80%. The disease directly affects the normal growth of the leaves, reducing the leaf area and decreasing the photosynthesis resulting in poor vegetative growth; thereby affecting the normal results, reducing the flower bud formation, low fruit set rate and abnormal fruit development. The severely diseased plants have the ability to lose results completely
问:物资、供销企业为什么一律按大中型企业的办法实行利改税? 答:在《关于国营工交企业实行利改税财务处理问题的暂行规定》中规定,对物资、供销企业一律作为大中型企业,这
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各省、市、自治区财政厅(局)、税务局(西藏不发)、重庆市财政局、税务局: 1983年8月24日国务院国发[1983]13l号文件中确定:“原规定对集体企业的利润增长部分减半征收所得税
在最近经国务院批转的财政部《关于调整农村社队企业和基层供销社缴纳工商所得税税率的规定》中,决定对基层供销社征收的工商所得税,改按八级超额累进税计征,取消原来 In t
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