《晋察冀画报》人物志 [摄影团队重要人物]

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篇幅所限,《晋察冀画报》摄影团队人物志只能部分选发于此。除了他们,最早到沙飞身边工作、参加《晋察冀画报》的筹建,并拍摄了大量优秀摄影作品的记者有叶曼之、李途、杨国治、刘峰,李途为画报社到敌占区采购物资做出过重要贡献,杨国治则协助沙飞、石少华主持晋察冀军区第1、2期摄影训练队,任队长兼授部分课程。《晋察冀画报》摄影训练队培养出了大批优秀摄影记者和摄影名家,他们在战争年代对解放区摄影事业有过巨大贡献并在摄影史上占有重要位置,如流萤、袁克忠、周郁文、蔡尚雄、高粮、袁苓等等。特别值得一提的人物还有为解放区摄影事业做出过突出贡献的优秀战地摄影记者雷烨(烈士),他自己没有直接在晋察冀画报系统工作过,但他1939年随八路军前线记者团到晋察冀,随后留在最艰苦的冀东(也属晋察冀)前线工作4年,拍摄了冀东前线大量战地影像资料,已成为中国革命战争史上的摄影名作。他将数年来拍摄的全部摄影作品交给《晋察冀画报》使用,并亲自撰写文字稿件。1943年4月20日在敌突袭中身负重伤,他赶走警卫员,战斗到最后,用最后一颗子弹壮烈殉职。 Due to the limited space, “Jin Chaji Pictorial” photography team members can only be selected in this section. In addition to them, the earliest to Shafei work around to participate in “Jin Cha Ji Pictorial” preparation and shooting a large number of excellent photography works are Ye Manzhi, Li Tuo, Yang Guozhi, Liu Feng, Li way for the newspaper to the enemy The area purchases the material to make the important contribution, Yang Guozhi assists Sha Fei, Shi Shaohua chaired the Jin Chaji military region first and second photographic training team, served as captain and part-time course. The Jinchaji Illustrated Photography Training Team has produced a large number of outstanding photojournalists and photo masters who have made significant contributions to the photographic career in the Liberated Areas during the war years and have taken an important part in the history of photography such as Liu Ying, Yuan Kezhong, Zhou Yuwen and Cai Shangxiong , High food, Yuan Ling and so on. Particularly noteworthy figures include Lei Ye (martyr), an outstanding field photojournalist who made outstanding contributions to the photographic career in the Liberated Areas. He himself did not work directly in the Jinchaji Pictorial system. However, in 1939, with the frontline press corps of the Eighth Route Army, To Jin Chajiu and then to the frontline work of the hardest Jidong (also Jin Cha Ji) for four years. A large amount of field data on the front of Jidong was taken and it has become a famous photography masterpiece in the history of the Chinese revolutionary war. He handed over all the photographic works taken over the years to the “Jin-Cha-Pictorial” and authored manuscripts. On April 20, 1943, he was seriously wounded in the enemy raid. He drove away the guards and fought to the end, killing the last bullet.
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