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随着课程改革的不断推进,教师素养的提高至关重要,校本教研具有不可替代的作用,校本教研就是集大家的智慧,实现智慧共享,共同提高。作为校本教研的重要内容——集体备课,它更能把个人经验与集体智慧有机结合起来,达到备课效果的最大化,同时学校也要不断丰富教研形式,营造研讨氛围,激发教师的参与热情。 With the continuous advancement of curriculum reform, the improvement of teachers’ literacy is of utmost importance. School-based teaching and research has an irreplaceable role. School-based teaching and research is to gather everyone’s wisdom, achieve wisdom sharing, and improve together. As an important content of school-based teaching and research, collective preparation of lessons, it can better integrate personal experience and collective wisdom to maximize the effectiveness of lesson preparation. At the same time, schools must continue to enrich teaching and research, create a research atmosphere, and stimulate teachers’ enthusiasm for participation.