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破镜中成长的诗歌青春我在“文革”时期写过两本手抄诗集,写作时间是1969—1976年。其中第一本的第一稿取名《青春的旋律》,共收入短诗25首,诗集前附有一篇我写的假托诗集为“一位死者的遗稿”的代序:《生命的呼吁》;1974年将新写的诗作补编入第一本手抄诗集,并将诗集改名为《抑郁的抒情》。1976年编成第二部手抄短诗集,取名《青春的挽歌》,收入1975—1976两年间写作的短诗37首。编成旧体诗集《北窗竹》,收入数年间写作的旧体诗70首。这两本手抄诗集中的作品,最早只给少数几位朋友看过。这些文化专制时期严格意义上的挚友和秘密读者是我哥哥周伦佐,我那时的几个朋友王宁(原西昌印校学生,现 Poetry Youth Growing in the Mirror I wrote two handwritten poems in the period of “Cultural Revolution”. The writing time was 1969-1976. One of the first draft of the first named “youth melody”, a total income of 25 short poems, poems before the book with a collection of false care I wrote as “a deceased’s manuscript,” the order: “The call of life ”In 1974, the newly written poem was supplemented into the first collection of handwritten poems, and the poem was renamed“ lyricism of depression. ” In 1976 compiled the second handwritten short poetry collection, named “elegy of youth”, income from 1975-1976 two short poems written 37. Compiled into the old collection of poems “North Window Bamboo”, the income of writing 70 years old poem. The works of these two hand-copied poems were first seen only to a few friends. My friend, Zhou Lunzuo, was a close friend and secret reader in the strict sense of these cultural despotic periods. Wang Ning, a friend of mine at that time,
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编辑同志: 军属曾某因购假药致残起诉厂商要求赔偿,因未交诉讼费,被法院按自动撤诉处理。如今他想再起诉索赔,不知自动撤诉后可否再起诉? Editor’s Comrade: Zengmou Zong
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