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黑龙江省有色金属地质勘查七〇六队,坐落于美丽的鹤城齐齐哈尔市。现有职工567人,在职职工266人,其中,具备中高级职称,50余人。下设矿产勘查院、地理信息测绘院、钻探工程勘察院、实验室4个二级单位。具有区域地质调查,固体矿产勘查及地质钻(坑)探3个甲级资质;地球化学勘查,地球物理勘查、测绘工程、地质实验测试及土 Heilongjiang Province Nonferrous Geological Exploration 706 teams, located in the beautiful city of Heqi Qiqihar. 567 employees, 266 serving staff, of whom, with senior professional titles, more than 50 people. Under the Institute of mineral exploration, Geographic Information Surveying and Mapping Institute, Drilling Engineering Investigation Institute, Laboratory 4 two units. Geological survey, geophysical prospecting, surveying and mapping project, geological experiment and soil test
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美国作家马克·吐温曾说:“Don’t par t with your illusions.When they are gone you may still exist,but you have ceased to live.不要放弃你的梦想。当梦想没有了以后,
金门首航书法释文:恨水茫茫何处涯,海珠晓照旧人家。三分春色藏深洞,半纪冰箱冻异葩。梦缺梦圆和泪酒,潮迎潮送载糖槎。往来皆是蓬莱客,片片苍帆映彩霞。 Golden Gate maide