
来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangting198198225
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目的:工业排放是大气中PM2.5的重要来源,是灰霾形成的主要贡献者之一。通过分析包头市一次典型灰霾时段的污染来源及特征,研究本地工业布局在此次灰霾时段对灰霾形成的影响,并讨论城市工业布局的合理性。创新点:针对我国典型重工业城市包头市进行案例分析,研究本地城区灰霾形成的原因及重工业布局对灰霾形成的影响,并为合理布局工业提供了新的启示。方法:1.结合污染物观测数据、卫星遥感数据及后向轨迹模式的结果,揭示此次重灰霾发生时段的污染特征,找出此次重灰霾的主要来源。2.采用风向条件概率函数研究城区高浓度PM2.5与本地重工业布局间的关系。结论:1.在此次重灰霾时段,PM2.5浓度的变化趋势与其他污染物相似,说明污染主要来自人为源,且在同样发生重灰霾的情况下,PM2.5占PM10的比例较其他沿海城市低,说明粗颗粒物对包头PM10污染的贡献较其他城市大。2.结合卫星遥感数据与后向轨迹模式的结果,可以排除外来污染物的输入,并断定形成此次重灰霾的主要原因为本地人为源。3.风向条件概率函数分析结果显示本地重工业分布以及低风速的西南风(非盛行风)是造成此次重灰霾发生的主要原因。4.揭示了包头市在布局重工业或进行高强度的工业活动时不能只考虑避开盛行风,因为出现次数不多的低风速非盛行风同样会引起重灰霾的爆发;这可为包头市乃至其他工业城市在进一步调整工业布局时提供参考。 Purpose: Industrial emissions are an important source of PM2.5 in the atmosphere and are one of the major contributors to the formation of haze. By analyzing the sources and characteristics of pollution during a typical haze period in Baotou City, this paper studies the impact of local industrial layout on the formation of haze during the haze period and discusses the rationality of urban industrial layout. Innovative point: A case study of Baotou City, a typical heavy industrial city in China, is conducted to study the causes of the formation of haze in local urban areas and the impact of heavy industry layout on the formation of haze and to provide a new inspiration for rational distribution of industries. Methods: 1. Combined with the results of pollutant observation data, satellite remote sensing data and backward trajectory mode, the pollution characteristics of this heavy haze occurrence period were revealed, and the main source of heavy haze was found out. Using the wind direction conditional probability function to study the relationship between urban high concentration PM2.5 and local heavy industry layout. In the heavy haze period, the trend of PM2.5 concentration is similar to other pollutants, indicating that the pollution mainly comes from anthropogenic sources, and the proportion of PM2.5 to PM10 in the same case of heavy haze Which is lower than that in other coastal cities, indicating that coarse particles contribute more to the PM10 pollution in Baotou than other cities. Combined with the results of satellite remote sensing data and backward trajectory mode, the input of foreign pollutants can be excluded and the main reason for the formation of this heavy haze is that of local people. 3. Wind direction Probability function analysis results show that the distribution of local heavy industry and low wind speed southwest wind (non-prevailing wind) is the main reason for the heavy haze. 4. Revealed that Baotou City should not only consider avoiding the prevailing wind when laying heavy industries or carrying out intensive industrial activities because the low prevalence of unhealthy winds with the small number of occurrences will also cause heavy haze outbreaks; As well as other industrial cities in the further adjustment of industrial layout provide a reference.
一、发生规律 1.稻瘿蚊在我县发生世代及其发生期和主要为害对象。根据近几年定点观察和大面积调查,稻瘿蚊在我县一年发生7代。各代成虫盛发高峰期依次分别出现在:一代5月上