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1999年,将是平湖派出所团结奋进、开拓进取的一年。在新的一年里,平湖派出所将深入贯彻十五大会议精神,加强队伍建设,继续开展大学法,执法大检查活动,狠抓队伍管理,从严治警,使执法工作更加规范严谨,在执法过程中,做到无人违规,无人被通报,无人被投诉。继续加强基层基础工作,依法管理出租屋,成立户管中队。贯彻执行《龙岗区出租屋治安管理暂行规定》、《龙岗区暂住人口管理规定》等管理规定,在派出所内建立户管中队办公室,对管理较薄弱的出租屋抓紧抓严,进行深入细致的调查了解, In 1999, it will be a year in which Pinghu police station will forge ahead in unity and forging ahead. In the new year, Pinghu Police Station will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress, strengthen team building, continue to carry out large-scale university law and law enforcement inspections, pay close attention to contingent management and strictly control the police so that the law enforcement work will be more regulated and rigorous. At the Law enforcement process, so that no one is illegal, no one was informed, no one was complained. We will continue to strengthen basic grass-roots work, manage rental housing according to law and establish a household management squadron. Implementation of the “Longgang District, Public Security Interim Provisions”, “Longgang District, Temporary Resident Population Management” and other management requirements, the establishment of the police station squadron within the police station office, the management of the weaker rental pay close attention to strict and detailed Investigation and understanding
Soluble peptides or proteins can self-aggregate into insoluble, ordered amyloid fibrils under appropriate conditions.These amyloid aggregates are the hallmarks
本文介绍了一种采用多进程/多线程客户/服务器模式体系结构数据库管理系统的设计和实现方法,并给出了一个以此思想为基础设计而成的新型数据库管理系统的原型。 This article d
352例腔隙梗塞的临床及影像学分析李袁华1王斌1赵德明21临床资料1.1一般资料我院1988年10月~1996年5月收治腔隙梗塞352例,其中男265例,女性87例;年龄43~82岁,平均62.5岁。既往高血压史241例,糖尿病史84例,高脂血症59... 352 cases
近3个月来,我院应用脑复素治疗24例脑血管病患者,现将疗效总结如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:所有病例均系我院1997年9月至1997年12月的住院患者,均符合1986年第二次全国