
来源 :神经损伤与功能重建 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifengno1
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脑白质是由许多有髓鞘的轴突组成,白质和灰质共同组成中枢神经系统,白质是中枢神经系统内信息快速传递的基础。有髓神经通路主要是由少突胶质细胞、星形胶质细胞及少量的小胶质细胞和少突胶质前体细胞构成。大部分白质内的神经递质信号主要存在于神经细胞胞体外,这提示这些神经递质除了具有完成神经元与神经元之间信息传递的功能外,还有其他生理功能。白质中的神经递质信号种类很多,已经证实的有谷氨酸能、嘌呤能(ATP和腺苷)、GABA能、甘氨酸能、肾上腺素能、胆碱能、多巴胺能、血清素能等信号递质,通过与各种离子型或代谢型受体结合发挥作用。轴突和胶质细胞都可以释放神经递质,也可以表达相应的受体。白质内神经递质信号的生理功能还需进一步研究,但研究已经证实谷氨酸和ATP介导的信号可激活胶质细胞上的钙离子通道,并调节轴突的传导功能。某项研究显示,在动作电位传播的过程中,轴突释放神经递质并与胶质细胞上的受体结合,通过少突胶质细胞来调节星形胶质细胞的稳态和髓鞘形成。星形胶质细胞也释放神经递质,与轴突上的受体相结合,增强动作电位的传播,维持信号电位沿长的轴突传播。白质内神经递质种类的多样性,提示它们有多种功能,对信号的传递有重要作用。白质内的神经递质信号现象很有可能也存在于大脑皮质和灰质,在这些部位的神经递质对于大脑的高级认知功能有更重要的作用。 White matter is composed of many myelinated axons, which together comprise the central nervous system and white matter are the basis for rapid transmission of information within the central nervous system. Myelinated neuronal pathways are mainly composed of oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and a small amount of microglia and oligodendrocyte precursor cells. Most of the neurotransmitter signals in the white matter mainly exist outside the cell bodies of nerve cells, suggesting that these neurotransmitters have other physiological functions in addition to the functions of completing information transmission between neurons and neurons. There are many types of neurotransmitter signals in the white matter that have been shown to have glutamatergic, purinergic (ATP and adenosine), GABA, glycine, adrenergic, cholinergic, dopaminergic, serotonergic and other signals Delivery, through a variety of ionic or metabolic receptors to play a role. Both axons and glial cells release neurotransmitters and express the corresponding receptors. The physiological function of neurotransmitter signals in the white matter needs further study, but studies have demonstrated that glutamate and ATP-mediated signaling can activate calcium channels in glial cells and regulate axonal conduction. One study showed that axons release neurotransmitters and bind to receptors on glial cells during the process of action potential transmission, regulating astrocyte homeostasis and myelination via oligodendrocytes . Astrocytes also release neurotransmitters, bind to receptors on axons, enhance the transmission of action potentials, and maintain the signal potential along long axons. The diversity of neurotransmitters in the white matter suggests that they have multiple functions and play an important role in signal transmission. Neurotransmitter signaling in the white matter is likely also found in the cerebral cortex and gray matter, where neurotransmitters play a more important role in the brain’s higher cognitive function.
认识人很难。认识人有一个比较简便而又较能避免错误的方法,那就是在对比中认识人。要看他如何对待顺境,更要看他如何对待逆境; It’s hard to meet people. There is a si
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和千百万同龄人一样,我是当年上山下乡“知识青年”中的一员。严格说,我们既无知识(初中没毕业),也非青年(不满18岁),但渴望读书却是我们当中许多人的追求,即使在穷乡僻壤,在繁重的体力劳动之余,也始终没有放弃。  远离了城市的喧嚣,远离了“革命”的鼓噪,插队生活枯燥、单调了许多,也宽松、自由了许多。这使我们读书不再囿于“革命”、“经典”。特别是1971年“九,一三”事件以后,“文革”神话破灭,人们的