
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clarkesg
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笔者培育的一盆水腊盆景,是八六年冬季在十堰市郊采掘的(如图)。它原长在一个较大的岩石上,土层仅厚10厘米,除有四条约1~1.5厘米的粗根外,其余全是毛细须根。树桩总高112厘米,径粗6厘米,在树头向上3~5厘米处,分别有四根主干。A干在右,通直挺立,为四干之首——最粗;B干在左,向左弯曲,与树头干部呈85度角;C干在前,与A干一样笔直,为四于中较细者;D干在后,与A干夹角约45度。我得到之后,反复观察、琢磨,觉得这是一件不可多得的桩景素材。 I cultivate a pot of water bonsai is the winter of 1986 in Shiyan suburbs of mining (pictured). It was originally grown on a larger rock, the soil is only 10 cm thick, with the exception of four about 1 ~ 1.5 cm thick roots, the rest are all wisp. The total height of the stump is 112 centimeters and the diameter of the stalk is 6 centimeters. There are four trunks at the tree top 3 to 5 centimeters. A dry in the right, upright, as the stem of the first - the most thick; B dry left, bent to the left, and the cadres were 85 degrees angle; C dry front, as dry as A dry for four In the smaller; D dry in the post, and A dry angle of about 45 degrees. After I got it, I watched it repeatedly and pondered it. I think this is a rare pile of footage.
笔者有幸参加了主体混凝土施工采用隧道模板的某外交公寓工程。该工程总建筑面积3.3万m~2,共316套住房,主体结构为三层现浇混凝土墙板结构,平均施工速度为7天一层。 现将该
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Viroids, since their discovery some 50 years ago, have been a source of surprising findings that include, apart from their discovery itself (which opened a firs
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中国商品市场,作为全球经济的一个重要组成部分,是否会受到境外甲型H1N1流感疫情的负面影响,这种影响究竟如何?这是一个需要关注的问题。 As an important part of the glob