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草菇栽培原料一般为稻草、麦秸、废棉、棉子皮等。笔者以木屑发酵料为主适当添加辅料栽草菇,取得了较好的效果,生物效率达21.7%。现报道如下: 1 供试菌株 菌株为V_(23),引自广东微生物所。二、三级种采用同一配方(棉子皮90%,麸皮10%,按总量加入3%的石灰),加适量水拌匀后装瓶、灭菌、接种,每支试管接二级种4~5瓶,每瓶二级种接三级种40~50瓶。接种后置35℃下培养12~15天,菌丝长满瓶后即可使用。 2 培养料配方 试验组配方:木屑65%,棉子皮30%,麸皮5%。设两个对照。对照一:棉子皮97%,麸皮3%;对照二:铡短的稻草87%(先用5%石灰水浸泡24小时),棉子皮10%,麸皮3%。试验和对照配方均按总量加3%~5%石灰,含水量65%。 3 堆料发酵 把经过日晒雨淋自然堆放3~6个月的木屑按配方加入辅料、石灰和水,并喷0.1%敌敌畏,堆积覆膜发酵5~7天,待料温升至60~65℃时,进行2次翻堆,如发现料干可适当喷水。料发酵好后调含 Straw mushroom cultivation materials are generally straw, wheat straw, waste cotton, cotton seed and so on. The author of woodchuzzers fermented materials appropriate add auxiliary material planting grass mushroom, and achieved good results, the biological efficiency of 21.7%. Are reported as follows: 1 strains for the test strains V_ (23), from Guangdong Institute of Microbiology. Two or three kinds of the same formula (90% cotton seed, bran 10%, according to the total amount of 3% added lime), add appropriate amount of water and mix well after bottling, sterilization, inoculation, 4 to 5 bottles of species, each second-tier species then three kinds of 40 to 50 bottles. After inoculation set at 35 ℃ for 12 to 15 days, mycelium can be used after full bottle. 2 training materials formula test group formula: 65% sawdust, cotton seed skin 30%, bran 5%. Set two controls. Control one: 97% of the raccoon skin and 3% of the bran; Control II: 87% of the short straw (first soaked in 5% lime water for 24 hours), 10% of the cotton seed and 3% of the bran. Test and control formula by the total amount of 3% to 5% lime, water content of 65%. 3 Stacking fermentation After the sun and rain naturally stacked 3 to 6 months of wood chips added according to the formula accessories, lime and water, and spray 0.1% dichlorvos, deposited film fermentation 5 to 7 days until the expected temperature rose to 60 ~ 65 ℃, 2 times turn, if found dry material may be appropriate water. After the fermented material containing good tune
历史告诉未来,无论是国家崛起,还是企业可持续发展,不仅是经济的繁荣,而且是以道德为底线的诚信文化的繁荣。 History tells the future that whether it is the rise of a
残奥会结束了,刘颖的“盲人拍DV”系列却还在继续,他说奥林匹克精神可不是一时,而是不断在开拓,他也想告诉更多人:盲人是有想法、有内容的,就像一本书,可读可看。 Paralympi
为了解我市学龄前儿童的智力发育水平及影响智力发育的因素,我们对123名学龄前4~6 1/2岁的儿童情进行智力及体格发育调查。现将调查及分析结果报告于下。 In order to under