
来源 :中国实验方剂学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cchongzi
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目的:分析与评价麋鹿角中多糖类成分。方法:分别采用Elson-Morgan法、硫酸咔唑法及苯酚硫酸法,以氨基葡萄糖、葡萄糖醛酸和葡萄糖为对照品,测定不同鹿龄及不同角部位麋鹿角样品中的氨基多糖、酸性多糖及中性多糖,并与鹿角进行比较。结果:多糖类成分含量因鹿龄和角部位不同存在较大差异。3种多糖类成分总含量以2岁龄麋鹿角为最高,其次为5岁龄,6~8岁龄,3岁龄和4岁龄。不同鹿龄麋鹿角3个角部位平均含量均以中性多糖为最高,其次是氨基多糖,酸性多糖含量相对较低。3种多糖在3个角部位中的平均含量均以2岁龄麋鹿角为最高,其中氨基多糖和中性多糖的含量与宁夏产鹿角接近,酸性多糖低于宁夏产鹿角。结论:该研究可为麋鹿角药用资源的合理利用及其产业化提供科学依据。 Objective: To analyze and evaluate polysaccharides in elk horn. Methods: Elson-Morgan method, carbazole sulfate method and phenol-sulfuric acid method were used respectively. Glucosamine, glucuronic acid and glucose were used as reference materials to determine the content of amino-polysaccharides, Neutral polysaccharides, and compared with antlers. Results: The contents of polysaccharides were quite different due to different deer age and angle. The total content of the three kinds of polysaccharides was highest at 2-year-old elk angle, followed by 5 years old, 6 to 8 years old, 3 years old and 4 years old. The average content of the three horns of elk antler at different deer age were highest with neutral polysaccharide, followed by amino polysaccharide, and the content of acid polysaccharide was relatively low. The average content of three kinds of polysaccharides in the three horns were highest at the age of 2 years. The contents of amino-polysaccharides and neutral polysaccharides were close to those in Ningxia, and the content of acid polysaccharides was lower than that in Ningxia. Conclusion: This study may provide a scientific basis for the rational utilization of elk anthelmintic resources and their industrialization.
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去青岛,不看崂山不成游。我们一行人久被“泰山虽云高,不如东海崂”的俗谚所引诱,这次决心看一看竟能胜过“五岳独尊”泰山的东海崂。 我们沿着磴道石级向上攀登。头上是湛
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【摘 要】政府投资项目是指为了适应和推动国民经济发展,满足社会的文化、生活需要,对公共基础设施、社会公益事业以及需要政府扶持发展的产业技术开发等领域进行的固定资产投资项目。近年来,各地政府投资项目不断增多,投资规模不断扩大,政府投资项目支出占财政总支出的比重越来越大,如何把基建财政管理工作做好,提高财政资金使用效益,是财政部门的重要职责和义务。  【关键词】政府投资项目 财政管理  1 政府投资项
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Photorhabdus luminescens细菌与昆虫病原异小杆属Heterorhabditis线虫专性共生。初生型共生细菌产生两种胞内晶体蛋白CipA and CipB,为共生线虫提供营养。为探索Cip蛋白是否
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12生肖是以12种动物轮流值年,计算的方法很简单,即诞生年代除以12,除到最后小于12的余数不要再除,不要四舍五入,取所剩的余数,按照下列数字表对应生肖动物:0为猴 1为鸡 2为