集思广益商读献计献策 2014读者俱乐部贴心服务广大读者

来源 :现代营销(创富信息版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbboyf
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“一个好汉三个帮”、“众人拾柴火焰高”……一句句俗语都在说明团结的力量,读者俱乐部就是这样。本刊专门为广大读者建立了3个读者QQ交流群,在这里你可以畅所欲言,项目真实与否、操作难易、是否赚钱,你都可以说出来与大家共同分享。同时,你也可以把自己知道的好项目介绍给广大读者。《现代营销·创富信息版》经过多年的发展,尚未毕业的大学生、还有几近古稀的老人、打工者、上班族、功成名就的老板都成了忠实读者。创新是企业发展的灵魂,杂志也同样需要创新。率先在全国经济类期刊推出“中华记者行”栏目、举办“读者节”、“创业周”活动,这些都是本刊的亮点。社会在发展,时代在进步,虽然有这么多的创新和第一,但我们仍 “A man of three help ”, “Everyone is collecting firewood flame high ” A sentence proverb is illustrating the power of unity, reader club is like this. The magazine specifically for the readers to establish a 3 readers QQ exchange group, where you can speak freely, the project is true or not, the operation is easy, whether to make money, you can say it and share with you. At the same time, you can also introduce good items that you know to your readers. After years of development, the “modern marketing wealth information version” has not yet graduated college students, there are nearly sedentary seniors, migrant workers, office workers, fame boss have become loyal readers. Innovation is the soul of enterprise development, magazines also need innovation. The first in the national economic journals launched “China correspondent line ” column, held “Reader’s Day ”, “Business Week ” activities, these are highlights of this publication. Social development, the times are improving, although there are so many innovations and the first, but we are still
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