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进超市,你的包存还是不存?商家眼里,消费者是“上帝”还是“贼”?存包之争,我们已经历了太多,在“3·15”之际,希望那些强制或限制性的“存包制”行规能以法律的手段得以废除。只有以人为本、维护大多数老百姓利益的法律才可能获得更多人的拥护;只有充分掌握立法原则,破旧立新、与时俱进的公平判决才可能让人信服并永垂青史。事实上,每一位消费者带包进超市购物都应以一种坦然的心情,而不是忐忑不安地恐被当作“贼”。 Into the supermarket, your package or not? The eyes of the merchants, the consumer is “God ” or “thief ”? Parcel fight, we have gone through too much, in the “3.15” At the same time, I hope that those mandatory or restrictive “rules of engagement” can be abolished by law. Only people-oriented laws that safeguard the interests of the majority of ordinary people are likely to gain the support of more people. Only by fully grasping the principle of legislation, fair judgments that are up-to-date and advancing with the times can be convincing and eternal. In fact, every consumer should bring a package into the supermarket shopping with a calm mood, rather than uneasy fear of being “thieves.”
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脱髓鞘疾病是神经系统的一类重要疾病 ,基本病理特征是中枢神经系统 (CNS)白质神经纤维的原发性脱髓鞘。常累及视神经 ,造成视功能障碍的脱髓鞘疾病主要有视神经脊髓炎 (Devi
高职应用写作的施教者,要重视学生实际,努力贯彻应用写作教学中的实用性原则,运用恰当的教学方法,从而实现高职教学里和谐课堂的目标。 Teaching students of applied writi
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随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,开展投资项目后评价,对于提高项目决策科学化水平,改进项目管理和提高投资效益发挥着越来越重要的作用。 With the development of sociali
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