
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:langfenggw
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由林业部公安局和中国警察学会联合召开的全国林业公安工作专题研讨会,于1993年11月29日至12月2日在哈尔滨市举行。各省、自治区、直辖市林业公安处、局长及获奖论文作者60余人到会。林业部公安局局长谢大发、中国警察学会副秘书长徐清漳主持会议。黑龙江省森林工业总局、省公安厅、省警察学会、省林业厅的领导应邀出席。公安部副部长牟新生、林业部副部长祝光耀特向会议作书面发言。与会者联系改革开放和建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势,集中围绕林业公安体制、林区现阶段犯罪与预防、林业公安机关内部建设等问题进行了交流。与会者认为,这次会议具有启动性和开创性,标志着有组织、有系统的林业公安理论研究已经起步。本期刊登获奖论文名单及部分获奖论文,以飨读者。 The national symposium on forestry public security work, jointly held by the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Forestry and the Chinese Police Academy, was held in Harbin from November 29 to December 2, 1993. More than 60 authors from provincial departments, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, forestry and public security offices, directors and award winning authors attended the meeting. Xie Taifa, director of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Forestry, and Xu Qingzhang, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Police Academy, presided over the meeting. The leaders of Heilongjiang Provincial Forest Industry Bureau, Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial Police Institute and Provincial Forestry Department were invited to attend. Mou Xin-sheng, Vice Minister of Ministry of Public Security, and Zhu Guangyao, Vice Minister of Forestry, made a written statement to the meeting. Participants in the reform and opening up and the establishment of a socialist market economic system in the new situation focused on the forestry public security system, forest crime and prevention at this stage, forestry and public security organs within the building and other issues were exchanged. The participants believed that this meeting was both start-up and groundbreaking, marking the beginning of an organized and systematic study of the theory of forestry public security. This issue of the winning list of papers and some award-winning essay in order to readers.
拌嘴→吵架→冷战→言归于好,这是情侣之间的必修课。冷战是很耗人的,再耗下去恐怕你要吃不消了,可是,冰释前嫌、言归于好,怎样才能找到漂亮顺溜的台阶下呢? Quarrel → qua
来复旦大学进行访问研究的美国加里福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校语言系美籍华裔教授陈渊泉(Matthew Y·CHEN)先生于1986年12月22日抵达太原进行平遥方言调查.陈渊泉先生是我局办