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通过对本课题的研究,我们认识到,我国社会主义建设的实践已经证明:生产资料参与社会经济运行的状况如何,以及如何在马克思主义基本原理的指导下客观地认识、科学地评价、正确地操作与此有关的一系列理论和实际问题,不仅直接制约着我国国民经济的运行状况,而且体现着我国社会主义经济的突出特色,关系着我国枉会主义经济理论的重要突破。以马克思主义市场观作指导,结合我国经济运行的特定环境考察,我们认为:作为我国市场的重要组成部分,我国的生产资料市场早在十一届三中全会以前就一直客观地存在着,只是在组织我国经济运行过程中,有一段时间我们没有认识到罢了,因而不存在“把企业推向市场”的问题。但我国的生产资料市场还只是处于初步发育的不成熟阶段,由特定环境所致它已发生一定程度的变态,并且是在严重扭曲的状况下运行着,因而亟待得到完善和发展。本课题就是要在剖析现阶段我国生产资料市场状况的基础上,作出完善我国生产资料市场的战略选择,并提出实现这一战略目标的相应对策。 经研究我们认为:高度集中的计划管理体制和“完全自由的市场经济”都不可能是完善我国生产资料市场的战略选择,而只有健全我国生产资料市场机制,使之在我国社会经济运行中正常地发挥其积极的作用,才是完善我国生产资料市? Through the study of this subject, we have realized that the practice of socialist construction in our country has proved: what is the status of participation in the means of production in the social economy and how to objectively understand and scientifically evaluate and operate correctly under the guidance of the basic tenets of Marxism? A series of theoretical and practical issues related to this not only directly restrict the operation of our national economy, but also embody the prominent features of our socialist economy and the important breakthroughs in the theory of vain socialist economy in our country. Taking the guidance of Marxist market concept and the specific environmental inspection of our country's economic operation, we think: As an important part of our country's market, the market for the means of production in our country existed objectively long before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, except that In the course of organizing our country's economic operation, we did not realize it for some time, so there was no issue of “bringing the enterprise to the market”. However, the market for the means of production in our country is still only at an immature stage of initial development. It has undergone a certain degree of perversity under certain circumstances and is operating in a seriously distorted situation. Therefore, it is in urgent need of improvement and development. This topic is to make an analysis on the current market conditions of the means of production in our country and make the strategic choice of perfecting the market for our means of production and put forward the corresponding countermeasures to achieve this strategic goal. After studying, we think that highly centralized planning management system and “completely free market economy” can not be strategic choices for perfecting the market for the means of production in our country. Only by improving the market mechanism of the means of production in our country so as to make it normal in the social and economic operation of our country To play its positive role, is to improve China's means of production of information?
由于金融危机的影响,网络招聘企业深陷发展困境难以自拔,如何打破僵局显得尤为重要。  近几年,网络招聘风生水起、一路欢歌快跑,然而,随着金融危机影响的不断深入,网络招聘市场中存在的问题和瓶颈得以暴露,网络招聘企业营收大幅下滑、财报纷纷亏损。迫不得已,网络招聘企业开始通过裁员等方式降低运营成本来应对危机,这些都彰显出中国网络招聘行业身处寒冬。网络招聘企业如何应对危机,如何从营销恶战中解脱,如何扭亏为赢
国产手机制造商2002年到2009年从全盛到衰落、再到重现曙光,他们不仅需要提高企业创新能力、完善产品线,还要准备好国内市场众多品牌同室操戈的大战。 Domestic mobile phon
<正> 经济发展与收入分配的关系一直是发展经济学的重要课题,特别是70年代以后,有关收入分配的理论文献占据了发展经济学的中心位置。对于各种各样的理论和观点,可以从不同的角度去研究。不管从哪一方面来研究发展中的分配问题,都涉及到收入分配的实际发展趋势,都面临着收入分配到底是
形成于我国的困难时期,发展于改革开放时期,精神文化都是继承性与延续性。圪节精神越来越焕发出更加强大的生命力和感召力。 Formed in the difficult period of our countr
肝肺综合征是在慢性肝病的基础上逐渐演变而来的,其病理生理过程越来越被人们所认识。本文结合近年来国 内外相关文献。重点就肝肺综合症的临床表现和病理生理变化,以及肝肺
为了人类可以生活得更加舒适、自在,同时令地球不受破坏,建筑师们用尽了他们的想象力和创意,为未来的城市建设,勾勒出一幅又一幅理想蓝图……  由海藻供应的巨型飞船  当前,全球运输业排放了不少温室气体—燃烧汽油等燃料时所产生的废气,尤其是航海及航空业。比利时的建筑师凡桑·加勒布针对这个问题,设计了“氢化交通工具计划”—利用氢气球和大量螺旋桨,推动巨型飞船在2000米高空飞行。燃烧氢气的好处是不会释放二