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新课程倡导集体备课,并为集体备课设置了一幅理想图景:在和谐、热烈的研讨气氛中,教学问题被摆上桌面,通过群策群力,将课堂教学水平提升到更高层次;集体备课将教学活动由一种个人艺术,变为集体智慧的舞蹈。在这一图景的感召下,许多学校将集体备课纳为常规性教研活动,在实践中摸索与完善,使集体备课发挥了巨大的效应,有效地改变了学校教学的局面。但另一方面,受各种因素的影响,集体备课出现了许多不健康的现象,增加了学校教学的风险,集体备课的前途由此变得扑朔迷离。本期,我们试图从各个侧面去认识集体备课的精神实质与生命脉络,推动集体备课实现良性发展,使其真正变为一种优雅的“集体智慧的舞蹈”。而且,我们关注集体备课,是因为从集体备课的命运可以窥视新课程的发展前景;对集体备课的解读,也就是从一个侧面对新课程生存状态的解读。 The new curriculum advocates collective preparation for lessons and sets an ideal picture for collective preparation of lessons: In a harmonious and enthusiastic atmosphere of discussion, teaching problems are put on the tabletop, and the teaching level is raised to a higher level through group work; collective lesson preparation will teach The activity changed from a personal art to a dance of collective wisdom. Inspired by this picture, many schools have collectively prepared for classes as regular teaching and research activities, explored and improved them in practice, and made collective preparation for classes play a huge effect, effectively changing the situation of school teaching. On the other hand, due to the influence of various factors, many unhealthy phenomena have emerged in collective lesson preparation, which has increased the risk of school teaching and the future of collective preparation for lessons has become confusing. In this issue, we tried to understand the spiritual essence and the context of collective preparation for lessons from all aspects, and promoted the collective preparation of lessons to achieve healthy development, so that it truly became an elegant dance of collective intelligence. Moreover, we are concerned about collective lesson preparation because the fate of the collective lesson preparation can be used to peek into the development prospects of the new curriculum; the interpretation of collective lesson preparation is also a one-sided interpretation of the new curriculum’s living conditions.
职工的生产积极性是生产力中最活跃的因素。如何调动职工的生产积极性,挖掘他们的潜力,是当前众多国有厂矿企业领导亟待重视和解决的问题。 班组职工积极性遗失在哪里 一份涉及
近五年来,全国各级工会主动为党和政府分忧,为遇到困难和下岗失业人员解难,努力履行自己的基本职责,依法维护职工的劳动权益,取得了积极的成效。 一是帮扶困难职工群体工作
尊严 ,按《现代汉语词典》解 ,是可尊敬的身分和地位。然而 ,在实际生活中有身分有地位的人并不一定拥有尊严 ;而无身分也无地位的一些人恰恰又珍惜这两个字。尊严二字 ,涵盖