各州、市人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 为深入贯彻国家有关部委《关于加强同发展中国家经贸关系的若干意见》精神,充分发挥我省的区位优势,积极发展同周边国家和毗邻的东南亚、南亚发展中国家的经贸关系,加快全省开放型经济的发展,省计委、经贸委、财政厅、外经贸厅、外办结合云南实际,研究提出了《云南省贯彻国家
All states and municipal governments, regional administrative offices, provincial committees, offices, offices, and bureaus: In order to fully implement the spirit of the National Ministries and Commissions on Strengthening Opinions on Economic and Trade Relations with Developing Countries and give full play to the advantages of our province’s location. , Actively develop economic and trade relations with neighboring countries and neighboring developing countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia, and accelerate the development of the province’s open economy. Provincial Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission, Department of Finance, Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department, and Foreign Affairs Office shall combine the actual situation in Yunnan. "Yunnan province implements the state