
来源 :法律与生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yongtso88
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中国是世界上著名的文明古国,法律文化的历史既悠久而又丰富多彩。早在公元前三世纪左右,法家学派提出的“以法治国”思想以及体现在制度上的“援法断罪”、“罪刑法定”,虽然是封建社会的产物,依然反映了中华民族的智慧,无愧为世界法文化宝库中的瑰宝。 十九世纪末期的中国处于救亡图存的危机时刻,先进的思想家为了摆脱民族被侵略被奴役的噩运,提出了“以法治国”的方案,并把它的实现与改良政治联系在一起,但是这个方案在旧中国完全不具备实施的条件。 China is a famous ancient civilization in the world. The history of legal culture is long and colorful. As early as about the third century BC, the “rule of law” idea put forward by the legal school as well as the “crime of assisting law” and “crime and penalty law” as embodied in the system still reflect the wisdom of the Chinese nation, though they are the products of the feudal society , Deserved to be a treasure in world cultural treasures. In the crisis of saving the nation from the late nineteenth century, advanced thinkers put forward the plan of “governing the country by law” in order to get rid of the bad luck enslaved by the nation in its invasion and enslavement, and this realization is linked with reforming politics. However, this plan In old China there is absolutely no condition for implementation.
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自从中央电视台创办了春节联欢晚会节目以来,已有成百上千位演员登台亮相。然而,当摄像机通过荧屏把他们创作表演的艺术作品献给亿万观众的时候,他们又该享有何种权利呢? Si