今年春节过后,人们谈论最多的就是,到世博园去了吗? 世博园试运行了半个多月,共接待游客60万人次,恢弘的气势、丰富的植物和五彩缤纷的鲜花、造型颖而富有文化特色的建筑给游客们留下了深刻的印象,然而谈到文明游览这个话题,朋友们还是有些愤然。 “有的人太不自觉了,这么漂亮的世博园,也忍心到处乱丢东西,虽然垃圾桶是设计少了一点,也总不能由着性子乱抛乱弃,倒是我看见一个刚上幼儿
After the Spring Festival this year, the most talked about is to go to the Expo Garden. The Expo Park has been in operation for more than half a month and has received a total of 600,000 visitors. The magnificent momentum, abundant plants and colorful flowers, and the rich and elegant style The architectural features of the culture left a deep impression on the tourists. However, when talking about the topic of civilization and tourism, friends were still somewhat upset. ”Some people are too unconscious, and such a beautiful Expo site is also capable of throwing things around everywhere. Although the trash can is designed to be a bit less, it can’t be thrown away by sex. It’s just that I have just seen a child.