国企改制产权转让案例点评(一) 改制方案一定要执行批准程序

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国有企业在经历了不同的发展阶段后,现已进入企业产权制度改革的关键阶段。中央纪委第二、三次全会和国务院廉政工作会议提出,要全面实行企业国有产权交易进入市场制度。国务院国资委也先后制定出台了《企业国有产权转让管理暂行办法》和《关于规范国有企业改制工作的意见》等法规性文件。为加大企业改制过程中的监督力度,本刊特邀请我刊特约评论员李正义同志撰写了《国企改制产权转让案例点评》系列文章。该系列文章从分析近期发生的个案入手,剖析国企改制在决策批准、进场交易、资产评估、竞价交易等关键环节存在的主要问题,详谈如何运用有关政策和法律法规寻找监控点。希望这组文章对国有企业纪检监察干部的工作有所帮助。 After the state-owned enterprises have undergone different stages of development, they have now entered the crucial stage of the reform of their property rights system. The second and third plenary sessions of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the clean government meeting of the State Council proposed that the state-owned property rights transaction should be fully implemented into the market system. The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council has also promulgated and promulgated the “Interim Measures for the Administration of State-owned Property Rights Transfer and the Opinions on Regulating the Reform of State-owned Enterprises” and other regulatory documents. In order to intensify the supervision in the process of enterprise restructuring, we have invited our special commentator Comrade Li Zhengyi to write a series of articles entitled “Comments on the Cases of State-owned Enterprises Restructuring Property Rights Transfer”. This series of articles starts with an analysis of recent cases and analyzes the major problems existing in the key links of state-owned enterprise restructuring such as decision-making and approval, entry transactions, asset valuation and bidding transactions. It also discusses how to apply the relevant policies and laws and regulations to find monitoring points. We hope this series of articles will help the work of the discipline inspection and supervision cadres of state-owned enterprises.
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