考迪罗现象是拉丁美洲资本主义生产关系不发达状态在政治上的一种反映 ,是拉美地区社会转型时期阶级矛盾特别是地主阶级与资产阶级矛盾尖锐化的产物。要克服或消灭考迪罗现象 ,除了首先必须铲除孕育它的封建大地产制外 ,最根本的是必须实行彻底的资产阶级民主革命或民主改革 ,大力发展现代化工业和市场经济
The Cordeiro phenomenon is a political reflection of the undeveloped relations of capitalist production relations in Latin America and is a product of the class contradictions in Latin America during the period of social transition, especially the sharpening contradictions between the landlord class and the bourgeoisie. In order to overcome or eliminate the phenomenon of Caudillo, it is essential, first and foremost, to eradicate the feudal system of property that gave birth to it to carry out a thorough bourgeois-democratic revolution or democratic reform and vigorously develop the modern industry and the market economy