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清光绪二十三年(1897年)三月初五日一早,东海关道属某邮政局的工作人员正在开包分发函信忙迫之际,忽见有一洋人在门内站立,问其为何未经允许,擅入局内,该洋人答以索取信件。这时邮政局有一名叫卜乃逊的人,细看来者方知是美国领事官法富。当即告他此是邮政局,外人不得擅入。美领事口出傲言,旋即悻悻退出。当时该领事已派人在门外候取信件,当即检出,八点零十分时,交该领事来人带去。邮政局按各国通例,是一律禁止外人擅入的,“无论官商无不尽知,且门外挂有华洋文告示,更可一目了然”(总理各国事务衙门档案)。而美领事官法富却视而不见,擅入局内,违反了起码的邮政准则通例,理应受到指责。然而事后他却诡辩声称:“到邮局取送信,卜乃逊将门用力关闭,甚非体统”,等语诬告。与邮政局关系甚重的东海关税务司旋即“查问当对在局办公之卜乃逊及帮办之扦手克登干,同称实系领官自行擅入,并无用力关门之事。” Twenty-three years Guangxu (1897) Early March 5 early in the morning, the East China Sea Road, a post office staff is open packet distribution letter busy, suddenly saw a foreigner standing in the door and asked why not Allowed to enter the bureau, the foreigner to answer letters. At this time there is a post office called Bo Nisuo people, look at those who know that the United States consular officer Fawer. Immediately tell him that this is a post office, outsiders shall not enter. The consul broke his mouth and began to withdraw immediately. At that time, the consul had sent letters outside the door and was immediately checked out. He was taken by the consul at 8.10 pm. The postal service is universally banned by outsiders. “It is even more clear at a glance whether a government official knows everything, and a foreign message is attached to it,” the official Yamen archives of the various countries. However, the consular officer, Fan Fu, turned a blind eye to it and went into the bureau in violation of the basic rules of the postal code, which should be blamed. However, afterwards he sophistry claimed: “To the post office to take delivery of letters, Clinton will forcefully close the door, even non-system,” and other language false accusations. The Department of Customs and Excise, which has a very serious relationship with the post office, immediately questioned him when he asked him if he had done anything wrong with the office and said he did not have the means to close the door.
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一、选择题(每小题6分,共42分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意)  1. 钛是一种活泼金属,具有密度小、熔点高、可塑性强、机械强度高等性能。工业上常用硫酸分解铁钛矿石来制备二氧化钛,用以冶炼钛,主要有以下五个反应,下列叙述错误的是( )  ①FeTiO3+2H2SO4=TiOSO4+FeSO4+2H2O  ②TiOSO4+2H2O=H2TiO3↓+H2SO4  ③H2TiO3[△]TiO2+H2O 
风风雨雨60年,我和所有共和国的同龄人一样,与祖国同呼吸共命运,共同成长。一路走来,记忆中有许多故事,有父辈讲述的,更有自己经历的。 In the 60 years of ups and downs,
胸穿及胸膜活检是临床肺科常用的诊断方法。操作过程中因患者恐惧、紧张可发生虚脱症状,但因胸膜活检导致心源性脑缺血综合征则极少报道。本科发生1例报告如下。 患者张某,