加强教师培训 掌握新编教材

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1982年秋季,各校开始使用新编《植物学》高中《生物》教材。各地教育局、教育学院、生物教学研究会开展各种活动,培训生物教师,使他们尽快地熟悉和掌握新编教材,完成新学期教学任务。天津市生物学会和市教研室于去年举办了《生物遗传实验》《绿色开花植物分类》培训班,主要内容是:植物十个科的基础知识,常见花卉和树种;玉米花粉和蝗虫精子的减数分裂,果蝇唾液染色体等7个实验。上海市教育学院、生物教学研究会举办《植物学》系统讲座,对植物教材作了总的分析,并对《绪论》《植 In the autumn of 1982, schools began to use the newly edited “Botany” high school “Biology” textbook. Educational bureaus, education institutes, and biology teaching and research institutes throughout the country carry out various activities to train biology teachers so that they can quickly familiarize themselves with and master new textbooks and complete the teaching tasks for the new semester. The Tianjin Biology Society and the City Teaching and Research Office held a training class on “Biological Genetic Experiments” and “Classification of Green and Flowering Plants” last year. The main contents are: basic knowledge of plant ten families, common flowers and tree species; reduction of maize pollen and aphid spermatozoa Splitting, Drosophila salivary chromosomes and other 7 experiments. The Shanghai Institute of Education and Biology Teaching Research Institute held a systematic lecture on Botany and gave a general analysis of plant textbooks.
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近日,美国量刑委员会宣布,将举行一系列区域性的有关联邦量刑政策的公开听证会。目前,量刑委员会正举行三场听证会,收集有关联邦量刑实践及量刑准则运作的反馈信息。 Recent