
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragonpxm
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农谚说:“八月(农历,下同)犁田满碗油,九月犁田半碗油,十月犁田光骨头”。这说明了提早犁田的重要性。但至今不少青年农民对犁田的科学道理和方法不够清楚,现作如下介绍: ①犁田早,病虫少。水稻收获后,提早犁田,可以把在土壤表层越冬的纹枯病菌核和躲藏在稻桩内越冬的稻螟等病虫害的“安乐窝”翻个底朝天,使其越冬场所大部分被摧毁,有些害虫甚至在机械操作时直接被杀死,使病虫害的越冬基数大大降低。②田要肥,秋天犁。秋末犁田,温度较高,有利于土壤中好气性微生物的活动,促进土壤中难溶性磷、钾化合物分解转化为易溶性物质,增加土壤的有效养分,使土壤疏碎,为来年水稻早 Agricultural proverb said: “August (Lunar New Year, the same below) full bowl of oil plowing, plowing half bowl oil in September, October plow field bones.” This shows the importance of plowing fields ahead of time. However, so far many young peasants have not understood the scientific truths and methods of plowing fields. The following are introduced as follows: ① Early plowing and fewer pests and diseases. After harvesting rice, plowing fields ahead of time can turn the “comfort zone” of pests and diseases such as the sheath blight of bacteria on the surface of the soil and the rice stem borers such as the rice stem borers hiding in the pile of rice soils to the bottom so that the overwintering places are mostly destroyed. Some Pests are killed even during mechanical operations, reducing the number of pests and diseases overwintering. ② field to fertilizer, autumn plow. Plowing fields in the late autumn, the temperature is higher, is conducive to the activity of aerobic microorganisms in the soil, and promote the decomposition of insoluble phosphorus and potassium compounds in the soil into soluble substances, increase the effective nutrients of soil, make the soil shred, for the coming year of rice
春天,展开希望的彩翼,在绚丽时光的长河中翩翩飞来了,它舞动着青春的旋律,向大地发出热情地呼唤。 于是,蛰伏的春芽,悄悄顶破冻土;初放的蓓蕾,在枝头绽起笑意;返青的田野,飘溢醇香;池畔
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To evaluate the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) changes following IV manni tol bolus in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). In a hospital based r