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本刊从这一期起,重开“科学观察”栏目,首先推出陈方正博士撰写的科学哲学系列文章。敬请读者垂注。 我初次接触科学哲学大约是80年代读到库恩(Thomas Kuhn)的《科学发现之结构》,此书提出典范…radigm)的概念,影响极大,可说是风靡一时,被人文和社会科学学者甚至不少科学家奉为圭执 可是我一口气读完之后却感到极度不舒服,当时亦没有多在意即随手抛开。其后又读到了波普(Karl Pop-per)在20年代所提出来的所谓“证伪说”,那就更有名了,几乎可说已普遍被接受为科学哲学的基础,而且他和许多第一流科学家诸如爱因斯坦、波尔、薛定诨等有往还,他们无疑也知道甚至可能接受这一观念。然而,在我看来,波普的这个所谓科学进步之逻辑,显然也是错误的,而其中道理并没有多大奥妙,稍有科学基础的人都可以明白。 因此,开始写这组文章时,很自然地我就选择了科学哲学作为主题,并且以否定波普与库恩的理论作为开端,其后又伸展到与科学相关的种种思考,例如社会科学的客观性、生物进化的意义等问题上去。这组文章我一反平素习惯,写得很快,很轻松,任由思绪牵动笔端沿着其实也已经走过的途径前进,漫游了许多领域。这一经验使我悟到,学术本身有时的确是会窒碍新 This period from this issue, reopening the “scientific observation” section, first launched a series of articles written by Dr. Chen Fangzheng philosophy of science. Please note. My initial contact with philosophy of science was read about “Structure of Scientific Discovery” by Thomas Kuhn in the 80's and the concept of rad ... radigm is extremely influential and can be said to have been popular all over the world by humanities and social sciences Even many scientists, even academics, put their emphasis on the issue. However, after reading it in one breath, I felt extremely uncomfortable. At that time, I did not care much about it. Then read the so-called “falsificationism” put forward by Karl Pop-per in the 1920s, it is even better known, almost universally accepted as the basis of philosophy of science, and he and many First-class scientists such as Einstein, Boer, Schrödinger, etc., have no doubt that they know and may even accept this notion. However, it seems to me that Popper's logic of this so-called scientific progress is apparently wrong, and the truth is not too much of a mystery. Anyone who has a little scientific basis can understand this. So when I first started writing this group of articles, it was natural that I chose the philosophy of science as the starting point, starting with the theory of negation of Pope and Kuhn, then to science-related thinking such as social sciences Objectivity, the significance of biological evolution and so on. This group of articles I am anti-ordinary habits, written very fast, very relaxed, allow thoughts to move along the pen actually walked in the way forward, roaming a lot of areas. This experience made me realize that sometimes the academic itself is really a hurdle
1.摇马制作方法: (1)照图二剪一块,按虚线对折,成马身。图三、图四、图五各剪一块。(2)将图三与图二对插,然后将图四、图五分别插入图二的马身上部,即成。 1. Rocking hors