
来源 :中国电子商情(RFID技术与应用) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoufuhai5933
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热敏重印是日本的一项先进的印刷技术,记者走访了日本三菱制纸公司,了解到此技术的详细内容和日本的市场状况后,对于适用于RFID卡片上热敏重印的应用作了交流。本文如实记述了本次交流的详细内容并对中国的应用以及市场规模做出分析,记者希望三菱制纸公司的该产品早日进入中国市场,使该技术在中国的RFID领域内得到广泛的应用,使三菱制纸公司和中国用户实现双赢。 Thermal reprinting is an advanced Japanese printing technology, the reporter visited the Japanese Mitsubishi Paper Company, understand the details of this technology and the Japanese market conditions, the application for thermal reprint on RFID cards made an exchange . This article accurately describes the details of this exchange and analysis of China’s application and market size, the reporter hopes that the Mitsubishi Paper Company’s products to enter the Chinese market as soon as possible, so that the technology in China’s RFID field has been widely used, So that Mitsubishi Paper and Chinese users to achieve a win-win situation.
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