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中国核电上半年安全生产指标受控、经营业绩突出、运行发电水平提高、设备可靠稳定运行、工程建设再创佳绩、核蓄风光项目统筹推进、售电市场取得突破、党建经营深度融合、‘3655’管理体系雏形具备、内部市场推动有力,但市场开发仍需努力、安全管理存在持续改进空间。这是刚刚从7月7日北京召开的中国核电2017年上半年经营工作会传来的消息。中核集团公司党组成员、副总经理俞培根出席会议, In the first half of the year, China’s nuclear power production safety indicators were under control with outstanding business performance, improved operation and power generation levels, reliable and stable operation of equipment, remarkable achievements in construction projects, unified development of nuclear storage projects, a breakthrough in the electricity sales market and a deep integration of Party building operations. ’There are prototype management system, the internal market to promote a strong, but market development still needs hard work, there is room for continuous improvement of safety management. This is just the news from the first half of 2017 that China’s nuclear power will hold its business in Beijing on July 7. CNPC group member and deputy general manager Yu Peikuan attended the meeting,
In the context of unified hydrodynamics, we discuss the pseudorapidity distributions of the charged particles produced in Au-Au and Cu-Cu collisions at the low
Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio(PNJL)模型是研究强相互作用物质性质的使用最为广泛的有效模型之一.在PNJL模型的基础上考虑了手征凝聚和Polyakov圈之间的纠缠作用,并且引入了化学势修正的Polyakov有效势,由此得到了化学势依赖的entangled PNJL(μEPNJL)模型.在平均场框架下的计算结果表明:相较于原始的PNJL模型,由μEPNJL模型计算得到的临
The Shapinggou porphyry molybdenum(Mo) deposit, located in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, China, is the largest in the Qinling-Dabie Mo Metallogenic Belt. The
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