Analysis of an integrated tunable spectrometer for the short to mid-infrared range based on a ring r

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sirius1394
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An integrated,tunable spectrometer based on a silicon-on-sapphire platform is designed at wavelengths of2.29-2.35μm.Its pivotal component is a 4.7μm-radius ring resonator on a graphene monolayer.Its full width at half-maximum and free spectral range are~1.5 and~45μm,respectively,as found through a numerical simulation and theoretical computation.Sixteen characteristic peaks are obtained by tuning the Fermi level of graphene.The gap between the ring and waveguides is increased by 0.5μm to increase the resolution,and though this can drastically reduce the transmission rate,an upper sapphire layer maintains light to the drop port. An integrated, tunable spectrometer based on a silicon-on-sapphire platform is designed at wavelengths of 2.29-2.35 μm .Its pivotal component is a 4.7 μm-radius ring resonator on a graphene monolayer.Its full width at half-maximum and free spectral range are ~ 1.5 and ~ 45 μm, respectively, as found through a numerical simulation and theoretical computation. Sixteen characteristic peaks are obtained by tuning the Fermi level of graphene. The gap between the ring and waveguides is increased by 0.5 μm to increase the resolution , and though this can drastically reduce the transmission rate, an upper sapphire layer light to the drop port.
<正> 1991年5月,笔者在河南郑州市出席第四届全国科学技术考古学术会议,同时与会的杨贵金先生告称,1990年焦作市文物工作队配合基建工作,发掘了武陟县的大司马遗址,遗址的年代约相当于夏商之际,工作中采集了几例人骨遗骸,邀请我能抽暇去作一鉴定。因属该历史阶段的古人类学材料很少,故会后即往焦作市鉴定所采集的人骨标本。据告采集的四例人骨架,均出自大司马遗址编号 H14的灰坑内,四具人骨架的埋葬位置,编号1、2、3三例发现于现存坑口,大体
山西闻喜银光征帆公司积极响应总公司号召,加强能源管理,大力推进节能降耗,认真落实多余备件退库、废品回收、交旧领新制度,各项相关工作均在有条不紊地展开。 Shanxi Wenxi
摘要:笔者根据多年的教学尝试,在教学过程中运用了“引导探究式”教学法对学生进行正确引导,激励学生进行探究,取得了可喜的成果,提出具体的实施策略及教学后的体会。  关键词:生物教学;引导探究式教学;对策;反思  中图分类号:G420文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)10-029-2  生物学是一门与生活、生产、社会发展密切联系的自然学科,其知识的传授、概念的形成、理论的建立和能
<正> 一韩德威墓志 1994年秋,内蒙古巴林左旗白音勿拉苏木(苏木,蒙古语“乡”之意)依斯力格嘎查(嘎查,蒙古语“村”之意)的一牧民在村附近山脚下洪沟中发现韩德威墓志一方,用车拉回家中私藏。后被公安人员发现收缴,现存旗公安局(图一)。韩德威墓志发现处并非出土地。出土地点应是依斯力格嘎查西北11.5公里的白音罕山韩德威家族墓群中。因墓志发现处并无古墓,而墓志称“附大茔”。韩德威之祖茔已在
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