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临邑县是胜利油田临盘采油厂的主要采油区,含油面积680平方公里,占全县总面积的70%,油气井1300多口,分布在12个乡镇,油区人口30多万,占全县总人口的65%。多年来,我们牢固树立服务观念,与油田驻临单位互为依托,相互支援,促进了油田和地方经济的共同繁荣和发展。1997年,临盘采油厂的原油生产达到230万吨,实现连续15年增长,在胜利石油管理局10个采油厂中增幅名列第一。临邑的国内生产总值完成20.5亿元,比上年增长16.6%;财政收入8681万元,增长23.5%;农民人均纯收入1918元,增收110元。1995、1996年,临邑县连续两次被评为“全省油区管理工作先进单位” Linyi County is the main production area of ​​Linpan Oil Production Plant in Shengli Oilfield, with an oil-bearing area of ​​680 km2, accounting for 70% of the total area of ​​the county and more than 1,300 oil and gas wells distributed in 12 towns and villages. The population of the oil-producing area is over 300,000, accounting for The county’s total population of 65%. Over the years, we have firmly established the concept of service and supported each other with the units in the oilfields to promote the common prosperity and development of oilfields and local economies. In 1997, Linpan oil production reached 2.3 million tons of crude oil, achieving 15 consecutive years of growth, ranking the first among the 10 oil production plants of Shengli Petroleum Administration. Linyi’s GDP completed 2.05 billion yuan, an increase of 16.6% over the previous year; fiscal revenue of 86.81 million yuan, up 23.5%; per capita net income of farmers 1918 yuan, an increase of 110 yuan. 1995,1996 years, Linyi County twice as “the province’s advanced management unit”
东湖开发区10年改革建设发展的成就是各级领导关心支持、社会各方大力参与和开发区人艰苦奋斗的结果,与管委会领导班子坚定不移地贯彻党中央、省、市委决策, East Lake Deve
以试验数据为依据,分析了钢球的圆度、波纹度、粗糙度对轴承振动值的影响.同时指出,为达到低噪声轴承配套的要求,钢球必须采用两次精研. Based on the experimental data, t
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日本 Castrol 研制了最新机床用高性能滑动面润滑油“MagnaciydeD”,可用于金属及塑料滑动面.具有以下特征:1.润滑性能好,电力成本低,防止粘附咬卡,提高位置精度。2.非乳化