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氟嗪酸(Ofloxacin)商品名为泰利必妥(Tarivid),是喹诺酮类衍生物。国外已广泛应用于临床且积累了数万病例,有较好疗效。国内已被应用于治疗呼吸系统及泌尿系统感染等。上海医科大学抗生素研究所对氟嗪酸的临床研究结果表明,氟嗪酸对治疗呼吸系统及泌尿系统感染的有效率分别为76.2%及100%,细菌清除率分别为77.6%及100%,均取得了满意的疗效。氟嗪酸口服吸收良好,服药后0.5~2h,血浓度达峰值,且吸收率不受饮食的影响,血中半衰期约5h,24h内90%已从体内排出,故连续服用无蓄积倾向。其中70%是以未代谢型自尿液排出,故尿中浓度较高,因而对治疗尿路感染更为有利。根据氟嗪酸的药物动力学特点,临床上常用来治疗尿路感染,呼吸道感染,胆道肠道感染以及耳鼻喉科、眼科、妇产科的感染。尿路感染,传统治疗多选用复方新诺明,半合成青霉素,头孢菌素类,氨基甙类或氟哌酸等,但 Ofloxacin is marketed as Tarivid and is a quinolone derivative. Foreign countries have been widely used in clinical and accumulated tens of thousands of cases, have a good effect. China has been used to treat respiratory and urinary tract infections. The results of the clinical study of triflumuron in the Antibiotics Institute of Shanghai Medical University showed that the effective rates of fluorozinc acid for respiratory and urinary tract infections were 76.2% and 100% respectively, and the bacterial clearance rates were 77.6% and 100% respectively Has achieved satisfactory results. Oral oral absorption of good, after taking 0.5 ~ 2h, the peak blood concentration, and the absorption rate from the impact of diet, the blood half-life of about 5h, 24h within 90% of the body has been discharged from the body, so the continuous use of no accumulation tendency. 70% of them are not metabolized from the urine excretion, so the higher urinary concentration, which is more beneficial to the treatment of urinary tract infection. According to the pharmacokinetic characteristics of trifluoperazine, clinically used to treat urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, biliary tract infections and otolaryngology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology infections. Urinary tract infection, the traditional treatment of multi-compound cotrimoxazole, semi-synthetic penicillin, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides or norfloxacin, etc., but
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