Determination of thermal expansion coefficients for unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanderooy
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In the present work, the coefficients of thermal expansion(CTEs) of unidirectional(UD)fiber-reinforced composites are studied. First, an attempt is made to propose a model to predict both longitudinal and transverse CTEs of UD composites by means of thermo-elastic mechanics analysis. The proposed model is supposed to be a concentric cylinder with a transversely isotropic fiber embedded in an isotropic matrix, and it is subjected to a uniform temperature change. Then a concise and explicit formula is offered for each CTE. Finally, some finite element(FE) models are created by a finite element program MSC. Patran according to different material systems and fiber volume fractions. In addition, the available experimental data and results of other analytical solutions of CTEs are presented. Comparisons are made among the results of the cylinder model,the finite element method(FEM), experiments, and other solutions, which show that the predicted CTEs by the new model are in good agreement with the experimental data. In particular, transverse CTEs generally offer better agreements than those predicted by most of other solutions. First, an attempt is made to propose a model to predict both longitudinal and transverse CTEs of UD composites by means of thermo- elastic mechanics analysis. The proposed model is supposed to be a concentric cylinder with a transversely isotropic fiber embedded in an isotropic matrix, and it is subjected to a uniform temperature change. finite element (FE) models are created by a finite element program MSC. Patran according to different material systems and fiber volume fractions. In addition, the available experimental data and results of other analytical solutions of CTEs are presented. Comparisons are made among the results of the cylinder model, the finite element method (FEM), experiments, and other solutions, which show that the predicted CTEs by the new model are in good agreement wi th the experimental data. In particular, transverse CTEs generally offer better agreements than those predicted by most of other solutions.
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