
来源 :广西农村金融研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AKDelphi
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根据我行一些同志提出的意见,对金融研究方面提出如下意见,请领导给予考虑:一、为了掀起全体干部对农村金融研究的兴趣和鼓舞他们积极投入农村金融的研究工作.建议每年评选一次积极参加撰写论文的积极分子,给予一定的奖励,以树立他们的光荣感,个个积极投入金融研究队伍.我亲身体会到,参加金融研究,确实能提高干部的业务素质和理论水平,因为要想写一篇论文,就首先要熟识业务,要熟识业务,就得钻研业务.多一个人钻研熟识业务,我们的金融工作就多一个业务骨干.如何调动全体干部参加金融研究工作,是今后学会工作的重要任务之一,只有不断的扩大队伍,才能起到金融研究的作用.二、把在金融研究刊物上发表的论文多少,作为今后评定职称,提级提工资的条件之一,这比“文凭”还实际,凡能发表论文的同志,可以证明他有事业心,有责任感,对业务 Based on the comments made by some comrades in our bank, I would like to put forward the following opinions on financial research and ask the leaders to give consideration: First, in order to arouse the interest of all cadres in rural financial research and encourage them to actively participate in rural financial research, it is suggested that the assessment should be conducted once a year Participate in the writing of the activists, give some rewards, to establish their glorious sense, all actively involved in financial research team.I personally understand that to participate in financial research, can indeed improve the quality of cadres and the theoretical level, because you want to Write a thesis, we must first familiar with the business, to get to know the business, you have to study business .One person to study well-known business, our financial work more than a business backbone .How to mobilize all cadres to participate in financial research work, is to learn the work One of the important tasks, only by constantly expanding the team, can play the role of financial research.Second, the number of papers published in financial research journals, as the future assessment of titles, one of the conditions to raise wages, compared with “ Diploma ”is also practical, comrades who can publish papers can prove that he has a professionalism, a sense of responsibility, the business
目的:探讨急性重度一氧化碳中毒患者的血清乳酸清除率水平的变化规律,为急性一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病的早期诊断及预后提供新的依据。  方法:286例确诊为急性重度一氧化碳中
目的:通过收集同时行宫颈人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papilloma Virus,HPV)及液基细胞学(Thinprep Cytolopy Tesy,TCT)检测者的结果,分析呼伦贝尔市女性HPV感染情况及不同亚型的分布特点;并通